Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the Construction and Rehabilitation Laboratory, the student knows the techniques for carrying out consolidation interventions on existing buildings, from the point of view of the approach to improving and renovating buildings, the better materials for these applications, and the most suitable construction techniques. The knowledge will also be learned in the context of an teachning laboratory aimed at solving one or more application case studies.

Course contents

Behaviour of existing masonry and reinforced concrete buildings under static loading conditions. Definition of possible damage states and identification of the causes. 

Knowledge procedures and evaluation of the structural performances for the safety assessment.

Strengthening of existing buildings: objectives and goals, interventions on structural and nonstructural elements (beams, columns, slabs, walls, arches, vaults, foundations), use of traditional and innovative materials.

Knowledge of energy retrofit and regeneration techniques by deepening the typologies of intervention on the fundamental dispersing components of the building envelope. At the same time, the main solar systems and their integration into architectural morphology will be analyzed to meet the energy needs of existing buildings.

Design project where student groups will apply the intervention approaches learned during the course on a case study of an existing building. The contents of the course "Laboratorio di Certificazione Energetica" will be also applied on the design project.


  • Mastrodicasa S., Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie - Diagnosi, consolidamento, istituzioni teoriche e applicazioni, Hoepli.
  • Antonini E., Boeri A., Longo D., Edilizia sociale ad alta densità – strumenti di analisi e strategie di rigenerazione: il quartiere Pilastro a Bologna, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2013
  • Desogus G., Riqualificare, integrare, sostituire - il miglioramento della prestazione energetica del patrimonio costruito, EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, 2018
  • Guardigli L., Edilizia e ambiente, Criteri e metodi per la valutazione della qualità ambientale degli edifici, EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, 2018

Teaching methods

Lectures and application through a design project on a case study

Assessment methods

The overall evaluation of the course will take into account the results obtained in the design project and the from the oral exam.

Teaching tools

Blackboard and powerpoint presentations. Virtuale e-learning platform, on which the course material will be uploaded.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Ferretti

See the website of Fausto Barbolini


Affordable and clean energy Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.