The 'Transparent Administration' section of the institutional website contains the data and documents subject to compulsory publication pursuant to Italian legislation on transparency (legislative decree no. No. 33 of 14 March 2013 and subsequent amendments), in order to foster widespread forms of control over administrative action, the use of public resources and the ways in which public administrations act to achieve their objectives.
The relevant legislation also provides for the appointment of a Person Responsible for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency: the position is currently held by Director Dr. Elisabetta De Toma - email
Organisational set-up for the prevention of corruption and transparency (In Italian).
The data in this section are published, where possible, in open data .csv format and, in some cases, in .pdf format. They are re-usable within the limits imposed by European data protection legislation and in terms compatible with the scope and purposes for which they were collected and recorded.
Access to administrative documents, information or data
Access to administrative documents (“documentary access”)
Article 22 of Law no. 241/1990 grants the right of access to interested parties to examine and take copy of administrative documents held by public administrations.
Civic Access
Article 5 of the Legislative Decree no. 33/2013
The contents and data in the following sections are only available in Italian
General Provisions
Corruption Risks and Transparency and General Acts.
Holders of political, administrative, management or government offices, penalties for non-disclosure of data, office organisation, telephone and e-mail.
Consultants and collaborators
Data regarding collaborative or consulting positions. The University of Bologna makes use of coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts, occasional assignments and freelance contracts to hire experts with special and proven university specialisation, teaching and tutoring contracts and research fellowships.
Top administrative positions, holders of executive positions, retired executives, penalties for non-disclosure of data, organisational positions, staffing, non-permanent staff, absence rates, positions conferred and authorised to employees, collective bargaining, supplementary bargaining, independent assessment bodies (OIV).
Call for applications
Information pursuant to Art 19 of Italian Leg. Decree No. 33/2013.
Integrated Plan, Performance Plan, performance report, total amount of awards, award data.
Controlled entities
Public bodies and private-law controlled entities, investee companies.
Activities and proceedings
Aggregated data on administrative activity, types of proceedings, monitoring of proceeding schedules, declarations in lieu and automatic data acquisition.
Measures taken by political bodies and managers.
Company controls
Data no longer subject to mandatory publication pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 97/2016.
Calls for tenders and contracts
Art. 37, Legislative Decree 33/2013 as amended by Legislative Decree 97/2016.
Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic advantages
Agreements, regulations and relevant legislation.
Financial statements
Budgetary and final accounts, plan of indicators and expected financial results.
Real estate and asset management
Real estate, rents or leases.
Administration checks and findings
Independent evaluation bodies, evaluation units or other bodies with similar functions, Administrative and accounting audit bodies, Court of Auditors.
Services provided
Services charter and quality standards, accounted costs, waiting lists, networked services.
Payments by the administration
Payment data, Prompt payment indicator, IBAN and IT payments.
Public Works
Public investment evaluation and inspection units, Public works planning deeds, Time and costs and Implementation indicators for public works.
Local planning and governance
Art. 39 Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013.
Environmental information
Art. 40 Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013.
Accredited private healthcare facilities
Art. 41 paragraph 4 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 no. 33.
Extraordinary emergency interventions
Art. 42 Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14 March 2013.
Other contents
Corruption prevention, civic access, cars: monitoring and three-year plans, accessibility of sites, further data