Graduate students


Information and opportunities

A few quick tips for finding your way among the various study options

What you can count on

Studying at the University is possible regardless of your financial situation

We are with you along the way

The support you need to clarify your academic or professional goals

International student

Are you an international student?

Everything you need to know about coming to study in Italy. We are with you at every step to help you make the most of your experience at the University of Bologna.

News chosen for you


Interested in a PhD programme?

Participate online on 26 February from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on MsTeams. A chance to find out why the PhD is a great starting point in advancing your education and embarking on a research career. The event will be held in Italian.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND FutureData4EU Programme

Participate in the international call for applications to select 10 PhD positions aimed at training future experts in Big Data. Deadline: 10 March.


International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students

Do you hold an academic qualification from a non-Italian education system and wish to enroll in second-cycle degree programmes? Until 30 May, applications are open for 30 new scholarships.

How we will keep in touch