Coimbra Group
The Coimbra Group, established in 1987, is a network of European multidisciplinary universities of international standing aimed at creating academic and cultural links and promoting internationalisation and academic collaboration. It also aims to foster a European education policy through the mutual exchange of information and to facilitate academic mobility between universities.
EUA - European University Association
Created in 2001 as a result of the merger between the Association of European Universities (CRE) and the Confederation of European Union Rectors' Conferences, the EUA aims to promote the development of a coherent system of European research and higher education by offering support to its members and fostering constructive interaction between individual universities.
Guild of European Research Intensive Universities
The University of Bologna is one of the founding members of the Guild of European Research Intensive Universities, an association that brings together some of the most prestigious European universities, distinguished for their excellence in research, education and the third mission. The Guild's objective is to work together to develop innovative solutions for some of the social and scientific challenges that Europe must face.
Scholars at Risk
Scholars at Risk is an international network of institutions and individuals whose mission is to protect scholars and promote academic freedom. By organising temporary academic positions at member universities and colleges, Scholars at Risk provides security for scholars facing serious threats. It provides advisory services for scholars and campaigns for students who are imprisoned or silenced in their home countries, monitoring attacks on higher education communities worldwide, promoting academic freedom and improving respect for university values everywhere.
IAU - International Association of Universities
IAU is a UNESCO world organisation created in 1950. It brings together institutions and organisations from around 150 countries and cooperates with the various national, international and regional bodies active in the field of higher education. The association aims to promote, through education and research, the principles of freedom, justice, human dignity and solidarity, and contributes, through international cooperation, to developing and assisting European higher education.
SDSN - Sustainable Development Solutions Network
SDSN is a network that brings together various stakeholders to solve problems concerning sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals at local, national and global levels. The main expected benefits are the promotion of the SDGs, practical solutions and long-term initiatives for sustainable development, and higher education and research collaborations for sustainable development. The network has four areas of action: 1. Problem solving. 2. Possibility of sharing educational initiatives both online and collaboratively. 3. Involvement in applied research and communication activities for sustainable development. 4. Exchange and discussion of good practices for sustainable development worldwide.
UniAdrion is a 'Network of Universities' established for the purpose of creating a permanent connection between universities in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. UniAdrion promotes cooperation between universities mainly through the development of joint educational initiatives, mobility schemes, research projects and interregional cooperation, focusing on the areas of interest of EUSAIR (the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region). It also organises seminars, summer schools, lectures and thematic dialogue tables. The University of Bologna holds the chairmanship for the year 2017-2018.
UNIMED, the Union of Mediterranean Universities, founded in October 1991 under the leadership of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, is an association of 74 universities in countries surrounding the Mediterranean. Its structure, based on the interchange of human and cultural resources, aims to promote university research and training in the fields of cultural heritage enhancement and conservation, tourism, the environment, health, economics and new technologies, thus contributing to the process of integration between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
Utrecht Network
The Utrecht Network includes EU and EFTA member countries and a number of countries from central Europe. Launched in 1980, the Utrecht Network is active in the internationalisation of higher education by fostering student mobility, teacher exchanges and Summer Schools.