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freelance architect and adjunct lecturer at the Universities of Bologna, Florence and Ferrara. He graduated from Florence University in 1996 with honors and received his PhD in Architecture in 2014. He works on issues related to the design of nZEB buildings, energy rehabilitation of the existing building stock, efficient integration of plant systems and solar-source architectural devices, investigating the relationship between new technologies and forms of architecture. Author of several scientific publications, he has been a speaker at industry conferences, a lecturer in Level II master's degrees, a member of state examination committees, and a technical consultant for an ESCo. He has carried out (2023) research activities within the national REDiRECT project on behalf of the University of Sassari - Department of Architecture, Design, Urban Planning. He is (2021) a member of the CQAP of the Unione dei comuni Terre d'Argine of the Province of Modena. He holds (2024) the position of expert in renewable energy and environment on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna region within the national project 1000Esperti PNRR.
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