- Docente: Maria Caboni
- Credits: 7
- SSD: AGR/15
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Maria Caboni (Modulo 1) Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada (Modulo 2) Marco Dalla Rosa (Modulo 3)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety And Quality In Animal Production (cod. 5728)
from Jan 15, 2024 to Mar 19, 2024
from Feb 12, 2024 to Mar 27, 2024
from Mar 04, 2024 to Mar 22, 2024
Learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge on the preservation and processing technologies of fish, dairy and meat products. They will also learn about the role of such technologies on the quality of processed products. In particular, the student will be able to identify the quality parameters of different processed and preserved food products, to verify the process conditions, to collaborate with food technologists for choosing the optimal processing and preservation conditions, as well as for process management.
Course contents
Milk: composition and physico-chemical characteristics. Proteins, lipids, sugars, minerals, biological components (enzymes, microorganisms). Major physico-chemical indexes. Drinking milk: production technology. Acid and presamic coagulation. Cheese-making process. Cheeses handling and packaging. Recovery of dairy by-products
Meat: chemical composition and physico-chemical characteristics. Post-mortem biochemical changes in meat. Additives in meat products. Main technologies of preservation and processing of meat (ripened and cooked products).
Fish and seafood products: composition and perishable nature of fish products. Freshness evaluation parameters. Principles of evaluation of the shelf-life. Main technologies of preservation and processing of fish products: use of technologies at low temperature and thermal treatments at high temperatures, salting and smoking. Hygienic quality and quality control. Additives in fish products.Readings/Bibliography
Teachers provide materials useful for exam preparation
Suggested texts for reference/depth study:
Girard J.P., Tecnologie de la viande et des produits carnés. TEC & DOC Edit., Parigi, 1988
Lawrie, Meat science. Ed. Pergamon Press (UK), 1998
Colavita G., Igiene e tecnologia degli alimenti. Le Point Vétérinaire Editore, Milano 2012
Mucchetti G.,Neviani E., Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia, Ed. Tecniche Nuove Milano 2006.
Cappelli P. e Vannucchi V., "Principi di Chimica degli Alimenti. Conservazione. Trasformazione. Normativa", Zanichelli (Bologna), 2015.
Grazia L., Coloretti F. e Zambonelli C. "Tecnologie dei Salumi", Ed. Edagricole (Milano), 2011.
"Handbook of Meat and Meat Processing", edited by Y. H. Hui, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.
"Lawrie's Meat Science", edited by Fidel Toldra, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2017.
"Processed Meats: Improving Safety, Nutrition and Quality", edited by John F. Kerry, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2011.
"Sustainable Meat Production and Processing", edited by Charis M. Galanakis, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2018.
Teaching methods
The class is structured in 3 units: dairy, meat products and fish products, which are taught by 3 different teachers.
Besides the topics that are covered in the classroom lectures by frontal lessons, there are also scheduled study visits, seminars with external experts and participation to conferences. Professors will provide the teaching material used during the lessons and the aforementioned reference texts can be useful for consultation.
All three Professors work in different locations from the one in which the CdS is delivered, but they are available to meet students before or after classes and they can also be contacted via e-mail.
Assessment methods
The assessment of the learning level is carried out with a written exam delivered in a single solution, but divided into the three parts into which the course is divided, aimed at ascertaining the overall learning and skills acquired by the student in dealing with the topics covered. For each area, it is foreseen a variable number of questions (from 7 to 10) with closed and open answers, for a maximum of 30 questions; in each question, the mark that can be attained for a complete and correct answer, is indicated. The time allowed for the test is 120 minutes. During the test, the use of aids is allowed only for students with a proven right to use them. A pass mark is achieved if at least 3/5 of the available marks are obtained. The answers to the open questions are assessed on the basis of the level of knowledge of the discipline and specific terminology, as well as the ability to perform critical analysis and connections.
WARNING: Verification of the learning level is carried out in person or eventually online (depending on the University's safety provisions with respect to the COVID-19 health emergency), by means of the telematic supports provided by the University.
Teaching tools
The teachers will provide the educational material used during the lessons and the aforementioned texts can be useful for consultation
Office hours
See the website of Maria Caboni
See the website of Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada
See the website of Marco Dalla Rosa
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.