Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Fashion Studies (cod. 9067)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Il corso indaga le dimensioni materiali e immateriali della moda, intesa quale rilevante industria culturale per la definizione dell'identità individuale e sociale. Sebbene le modalità di diffusione della moda siano ancora dibattute dagli studiosi, la globalizzazione della moda è una realtà che si rivela in correlazioni precise e storicamente rilevanti tra pratiche vestimentarie occidentali ed espressioni culturali globali. Le vicende coloniali e postcoloniali nella definizione di moda e di costume sono visibili nei codici estetici dei giovani designer di marchi globali e locali e nelle scelte fluide dei consumatori in tutto il mondo.


Clothing is among the most visible and meaningful ways in which we express our identities. At the same time, our clothes are material items produced and consumed through an ever-expanding global fashion industry. This course will explore the various social, cultural, economic, political, and visual meanings associated with the representation of fashion , combining anthropological and historical methods.

The 2023 workshop Costume Meets Fashion will engage students with individual projects on the matter.

Students are warmly invited to attend the International Conference entitled ZoneModa International Conference 2023 - FASHION IN 3D, Decolonizing Deconstructing Decentering to be held from 19 to 21 October 2023 in the halls of the Alberti complex. https://eventi.unibo.it/fashion3d

The Conference will cover the topics related to the course and to Fashion Studies.

- Participation in all days of the Conference will give the opportunity to obtain one point to be added to your degree grade.


Suggested reading before class

1. L. Welters and A. Lillethun Fashion History. A Global View'Introduction: Europe and the People without Fashion' Bloomsbury, London and New York, 2018, pp. 1-10.

2. D.N. Green and S. Kaiser "Fashion and appropriation" in Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 4, 3, 2017

3. Wessie Ling, Mariella Lorusso, Simona Segre Reinach "Critical Studies in Global Fashion" https://zmj.unibo.it/issue/view/823

4. Lise Skov and Marie Riegels Melchior: Research Approaches to the Study of Dress and Fashion


Weekly readings will be assigned.

Metodi didattici


Student Presentations


Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The examination will ensure the achievement of the following objectives:

- critical awareness of the complexity of the representation of fashion

- survey and analysis of the main conceptual contents examined;

- ability to establish well-founded relations between the different aspects of the program.


A. Attending Students only: COSTUME MEETS FASHION PROJECT.

Students will elaborate a personal interpretation of an "ethnic" garment on the international stage

a.1 Individual Portfolio

a.2 Essay Test during the course on the  readings indicated in class.

The final grade is based on the average of the two tests, essay and portfolio

B. All other students written EXAM (Test)

Written Multiple Choice Test (31 questions) based on the following readings:

1. Bruzzi and Church-Gibson (eds) Fashion Culture Revisited: Theories, Explorations and Analysis. Introduction

2. Lise Skov and Marie Riegels Melchior: Research Approaches to the Study of Dress and Fashion

3. E. Wilson Adorned in Dreams: Introduction + chapter 4

4. D. Gilbert A new world order? Fashion and Its Capitals in the twenty-first century in Fashion Culture Revisited: Theories, Explorations and Analysis. Bruzzi and Church-Gibson. Routledge.

Link ad altre eventuali informazioni


Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Simona Maria Segre Reinach


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