Anno Accademico 2020/2021

  • Docente: Sabrina Pedrini
  • Crediti formativi: 9
  • SSD: SECS-P/06
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Language, society and communication / lingua, società e comunicazione (cod. 8874)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The student gets the fundamental principles of economic analysis of the cultural market, with particular attention to cinematographic, musical, artistic and televisual fields. S/he also aware of the legal position of some original works categories (with special reference to audiovisual and figurative art works) within the limits of the copyright law. S/he is also able to apply his/her knowledge to the problematic dynamics ruling the demand and offer of the culture and the mechanisms of cultural heritage funding.


First part (on line lessons)

1. Introduction to the course and origins of cultural economics

2. Value and creation in cultural economics

3. Basics of economics and opportunity cost

4. Supply and Demand (1)

5. Supply and Demand (2)

6. Government and cultural policy (1)

7. Government and cultural policy (2)

8. International trade and markets

9. Market forms and market models

10. Finance and management in cultural industries

11. Mid term valuation (on line)

12. From Culture 1.0 to Culture 3.0 (reading and cless discussion - presence and virtual//additional reading will be available on line)

Second part (room lessons)

13. Design Service applied to cultural case (1)[work group - presence and virtual]

14. Design Service applied t cultural cse (2)[work group - presence and virtual]

15. Theory of change/Theory (1)

16. Theory of change/Theory (2)

17. Theory of change applied to cultural cases/ working group (presence and virtual)

18. Theory of change applied to cultural cases/ working group (presence and virtual)

19. Theory of change applied to cultural cases/ working group (presence and virtual)

20. Theory of change applied to cultural cases/ working group (presence and virtual)

21. Discussion (presence and virtual)

22. Discussion (presence and virtual)

23. Discussion (presence and virtual)


First part (on line lessons):

Cultural Economics - August Einarsson - Bifrost University - 2016

Second Part (room lessons):

The material relating to the second part of the course will be available on line during the course.

Metodi didattici

On line lessons, room lessons, working groups.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

For attending students:

The course consists of two distinct parts: a theoretical and an operational one. The theoretical part, which will be developed online, will have a final written evaluation (through the eol platform). The test will consist of closed questions (1/3), short open questions (1/3) and large open questions (1/3).

This test will represent 50% of the final evaluation.

The second part will include learning TOC and DS techniques applied to cultural contexts. In this phase, an active participation of the students is required, in small groups, to draw up and evaluate cultural projects.

This phase would be valuated in the following proportion:

10%: quality class partecipation and cooperation

30%: Team work project and presentation

10%: peer evaluation

“Bonus Track” (Optional - from 2 to 3 points on the final grade): The best way to learn is by teaching! This “Bonus Track” is designed to do just that. The student will pick a topic of special interest. He/She will then conduct some background research on it and share his/her findings with the class conducting a real lecture. This will count as extra credits!

For not attending students: final written evaluation (through the eol platform). The test will consist of closed questions (1/3), 3 short open questions (1/3) and one detailed open question (1/3). Questions will cover the whole program (first and second part).

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Slides and short movies. Slides are a support to teaching and cannot be considered an alternative to the book, for this reason they will not be distributed.

Students are recommended to be equipped with a device (smartphone, tablet or laptop), with usefull conference call programs installed, and earphones with microphone.

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Sabrina Pedrini


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