90413 - Communication and Mediation Processes of Information

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Giulia Crippa
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide a historical-sociological approach to the relationship between institutions and information practices in their insertion in social contexts and in the imaginary. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the communication processes built from the social need for information and the related requests. Students will be able to establish relationships between theories, techniques and professional practices, through the presentation of communication experiences such as mediation and information reception in different socio-historical contexts.

Course contents

1 Social mediation of information and culture: general and specific characteristics/concepts and definitions
2 Mediation models in modern institutions and organisations
3 Culture, technologies, citizens and cultural policies.
4 Mediation models in contemporary institutions and organisations
5 Socio-technological changes and consequences in cultural practices: rethinking institutions, their cultural practices and mediations
6 Libraries and museums: cultural practices and political actions
7 Reading Practices
8 Digital Convergence
9 Mediation Practices



COGNIGNI, Cecilia. L'azione culturale della biblioteca pubblica: ruolo sociale, progettualità, buone pratiche. Milano: Bibliografica, 2015.

ESPOSITO, Elena. Comunicazione artificiale. Milano: EGEA, 2022.

COULDRY, Nick & MEIJAS, Ulises A. Il prezzo della connessione. Come i dati colonizzano la nostra vita e se ne appropriano per far soldi. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2022

VELLAR, Agnese. Le industrie culturali e i pubblici partecipativi: dalle comunità di fan ai social media, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2015.

Suggested complementary bibliography

GRISWOLD, Wendy. Sociologia della cultura. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019

SOLIMINE, Giovanni e ZANCHINI, Giorgio. La cultura orizzontale. Bari: Laterza, 2020

FONTANA, Andrea. Regimi di verità: convivere con leggende e fatti alternativi. Torino: Codice, 2019.

SPINELLI, Martin e DANN, Lance. Podcast: narrazioni e comunità sonore. Roma: Minimum Fax, 2019.

CANCLINI, Nestor G. Culture Ibride – Strategie per entrare e uscire dalla modernità. Milano: Guerini, 2000.

PALFREY, John. Bibliotech. Milano: Bibliografica, 2016

TILDEN, Freeman. Interpretare il nostro patrimonio. Novara: Libreria geografica, 2019.

For NON ATTENDING students (beside de mandatory readings):

PALFREY, John. Bibliotech. Milano: Bibliografica, 2016


TILDEN, Freeman. Interpretare il nostro patrimonio. Novara: Libreria geografica, 2019.

Further readings MAY be suggested during the course

Teaching methods

The course emphasises participatory teaching. Teaching is carried out through lectures and the use of technological aids. It is also carried out through in-depth seminars with students, discussion of empirical cases, practical exercises, viewing and analysis of film clips, documentaries and videos on the themes of the course. Students will be asked to play a very active role, through discussions, the analysis of case studies and work to be processed outside class time and presented.

Assessment methods

The test consists of an oral interview to assess the knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons (for those attending) and of the bibliography indicated, and the critical and methodological skills acquired by the student. The following will be assessed: mastery of the contents, ability to synthesise and analyse themes and concepts, ability to express oneself adequately and in language appropriate to the subject matter. The final grade will be based on the overall assessment.

The examiner will begin with a presentation of a topic of his or her choice from those covered, and the exam will continue with at least two further questions posed by the teacher.

During the examination, the interview is aimed at testing the student's ability to analyse, critique and control the discipline as a whole.

The criteria adopted for the evaluation of learning are: knowledge of the bibliography of the programme; ability to develop arguments autonomously; ability to describe and illustrate phenomena, processes, practices studied by the sociology of cultural and communicative processes; ability to empirically place theoretical generalisations; ability to deal with a sociological reflection on aspects and processes of transformation of contemporary society.

Two different assessment parameters will be adopted, for attending students and for non-frequenting students.

For attending students - the assessment of learning consists of: 1 midterm test (in the middle of the course); presentation of seminar work (in the second half of the course), written elaboration of the presented work (at the end of the course), participation in discussions and exercises and group work. All of this will be included in the assessment and will serve as a means of checking individual learning against the coursework completed in the classroom. The examination programme is roughly similar to that of non-attenders.

Students who have achieved and passed a pass mark in the mid-term examination may:

1) register their grade (by registering for the roll call);


2) to complement the sufficiency, they can participate in the elaboration phase of a group work;


3)decide to take the oral examination on the whole programme.

Specifically, the following will be assessed

- active participation in class, exercises: 10%

- Group work: 20%

- Intermediate test: 70%

Non-attending students must supplement their bibliography for the appeal.

(Supplements indicated in TEXTS/BIBLIOGRAPHY)

Teaching tools

Lectures. Network resources. Coordinated discussions. Guidance and tutoring to groups outside of class time (on e-learning platform).

All student who are affected by learning disability (DSA) and in need of special strategies to compensate it, are kindly requested to contact Prof. Crippa (qui aggiungere il proprio nome), in order to be referred to the colleagues in charge and get proper advice and instructions.

FOR NON-FREQUENCING STUDENTS: If there are any doubts about course explanations and study materials, I would ask you to send me an email with times when you are available online to arrange a short meeting to settle any doubts or needs you may have.


Office hours

See the website of Giulia Crippa


Quality education Gender equality Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.