90423 - Written Culture of the Medieval West and Humanism

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of literature written in Italian and Latin during the Middle Ages and Humanism. By the end of the course, students will therefore be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of the most important literary generes and trends of the period; appraise literary sources in relation to different methods of texts production and diffusion; students will also develop their skills in the area of textual and bibliographical research and enquiry.

Course contents

The course will be devoted to the analysis of the forms of expression used by scribes, librarians, and collectors to define the universe of books and writing during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

The course will be divided in two parts. The first will aim to offer an overview of Medieval Latin literature and culture. On the other hand, the second will be devoted to the analysis of the texts defining the universe of book production and book collecting.

With this aim, we will read (in Latin, or in Latin and Italian translation) some texts concerning the activity of book copying, the constitution of a library and the redaction of a catalogue, the search and the conservation of manuscript during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.


For the first section, students may use a good handbook of Medieval Latin literature, such as Latin language, such as C. Leonardi et al. (a cura di), Letteratura latina medievale (secoli VI-XV), un manuale, Firenze 2002; E. D’Angelo, La letteratura latina medievale: una storia per generi, Roma 2009; P. Chiesa, La letteratura latina del Medioevo, Roma 2017. Students are kindly requested to note that they should choose only one of the handbooks, and that any of them will be accepted.

For the second section, the reference works are: L.D. Reynolds - N.G. Wilson, Copisti e filologi. La tradizione dei classici dall'Antichità ai tempi moderni, Roma-Padova 2016; Scriptoria e biblioteche nel Basso Medioevo (secoli 12.-15.) : atti del 51. Convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 12-15 ottobre 2014, Spoleto 2015. Further bibliography will be offered during the course.

The Latin texts discussed during the first and the second section of the Course will be uploaded on the "Virtuale" platform provided by the University of Bologna. Some of them will be derived from the anthology Handschriften im Mittelalter. Eine Quellensammlung, ed. M. Steinmann, Basel 2013 (here, only Latin texts will be selected, not the sections in German).

Non-attending students are kindly requested to read, in addition to other texts: Richard de Bury, L'amore per i libri, tr. R. Fedriga, Milano 2009. At any rate, they are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura in due time to receive instructions and useful suggestions in order to prepare the exam correctly.

All student who are affected by learning disability (DSA) and in need of special strategies to compensate it, are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura, in order to be referred to the colleagues in charge and get proper advice and instructions.

Teaching methods

Classes (30 hours). The first section will offer an overview of the history of medieval Latin literature; During the second part of the course, we will read, discuss and comment upon selected texts dealing with writing and reading in the Middle Ages with the students.

Students who cannot attend classes are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura as soon as possible in order to get help and support during the preparation of the exam.

The first two classes will be held on Teams (a special virtual classroom will be created) and recorded.

Assessment methods

The exam will take place in form of interviews. During the exams, students shall show their skills in

- understanding and present Medieval and Renaissance witness concerning the connection of learned scholars with books and writing activity;

- translating and commenting upon the selected Latin texts;

- outlining the main threads of development of the connections between learned people and books.

Insufficient understanding and scarce explanation of those development threads, inadequate comment of discusses texts, and lack of appropriate language will lead to poor evaluation of the student.

Students may choose between two options: 1) answer questions on the general program based on the bibliography listed above; 2) focus on a topic selected individually, and prepare a short conference of ca. 30 minutes. If the student selects the second option, he/she must discuss and choose the topic and the bibliography 30 days before the exam at latest.


Teaching tools

The Latin texts selected for the third section of the course will be uploaded on the "Virtuale" platform.

Students who cannot attend the course are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura.

Office hours

See the website of Iolanda Ventura