28208 - Marketing Models

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Annamaria Tuan
  • Credits: 10
  • SSD: SECS-P/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Statistics, Economics and Business (cod. 8876)

Course contents

This course will cover important marketing phenomena such as:


-market/consumer response to sales promotions

-market/consumer response to communications

-brand and product category choice

while analyzing data collected both at the individual and aggregate (e.g. market) level.

In Module 1 topics will be covered by means of a quantitative approach. To do so, we will use, among others, the following statistical methods:

-multiple regression

-logistic regression

-multinomial and conditional logit

-nested models.

In Module 2 we will deal with advanced methodologies such as text analysis and experiments. In particular we will discuss the following models: 

- Poisson and negative binomial 

- Hayes models 


  1. Leeflang, P., Wieringa, J.E., Bijmolt, T.H.A., Pauwels, K.H “Modeling Markets Analyzing Marketing Phenomena and Improving Marketing Decision Making” International Series in Quantitative Marketing 2015: Capitolo 2 "Model Specification"; Capitolo 3 “Data”; Capitolo 8 “Individual Demand Models”; Capitolo 9 “Examples of Database Marketing Models”.
  2. Blattberg R.C, B. Kim e S.A. Neslin “Database Marketing,” Springer 2008: Capitolo 10 “The Predictive Modeling Process”; Capitolo 11 “Statistical Issues in Predictive Modeling”; Capitolo 24 “Managing Churn”

  3. Chintagunta, Pradeep K.; Jain, Dipak C.; Vilcassim, Naufel J (1991) “Investigating Heterogeneity in Brand Preferences in Logit Models for Panel Data” Journal of Marketing Research, 28(4), p. 417-42

  4. De Vries, Lisette, Sonja Gensler, and Peter SH Leeflang. (2012) "Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing." Journal of Interactive marketing, 26(2), 83-91.

  5. Gensler, Sonja, Peter C. Verhoef, and Martin Böhm. (2012) "Understanding consumers’ multichannel choices across the different stages of the buying process." Marketing Letters, 23(4), 987-1003.

  6. Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69-96.

  7. Visentin, M., Tuan A., Di Domenico G. (2021). "Words matter: How privacy concerns and conspiracy theories spread on twitter." Psychology & Marketing 38(10):1828-1846.

  8. Labrecque, L. I., Swani, K., & Stephen, A. T. (2020). The impact of pronoun choices on consumer engagement actions: Exploring top global brands' social media communications. Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 796-814

  9. Pezzuti, T., Leonhardt, J. M., & Warren, C. (2021). Certainty in language increases consumer engagement on social media. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 53, 32-46

  10. Hayes, A. F. (2017).Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. Guilford publications. Chicago

Teaching methods

    The course involves both lectures and weekly lab sessions

During the lab several software will be used including: STATA and R

Assessment methods

The course assessment is based on a written exam composed by two parts: 

- multiple choice 

- open questions 

Time: 90 minutes 

Office hours

See the website of Annamaria Tuan