95090 - Applied Nutrition

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the Student knows: the principles of healthy and correct nutrition for the general population including the developmental age; how to identify athletes at risk of developing a nutrition and eating disorder early on and the role of the graduate in Motor Sciences in the multidisciplinary team dealing with eating disorders; the peculiar nutritional aspects inherent to athletes with diseases and/or disabilities.

The Student will understand and be able to apply: the principles of nutrition and hydration in athletes during: training, pre-competition, competition, post-competition, resting periods for the main sport disciplines; the principles of operational management of catering in sports clubs and in the organization of competitive events.

Course contents

Healthy nutrition in the general population

Guidelines for healthy nutrition

Food groups: subgroups and types of foods, characteristic nutrients and advice for consumption. Standard portions and daily subdivision of meals. The Mediterranean Diet: definition and health characteristics; food sources of bioactive compounds.

Exercise: rating my nutrition.

Standard food plans for the general population. Fad diets.

Nutrition and developmental age.

How to apply the guidelines for a healthy diet in childhood and adolescence.  Overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence: pathogenesis, risk factors, nutritional and behavioral aspects. Obesity, stigma and bullying. The role of the Sports Science graduate for prevention.

Nutrition, physical activity and diseases.

Eating disorders in the athlete.

Definition. Risk factors. The athlete's triad. Principles of prevention of eating disorders. The role of the Sports Science graduate in the multidisciplinary team dealing with eating disorders.

Measures in the management of athletes with diseases of nutritional interest.

Celiac disease. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Overweight. Motor disability.

Principles of nutrition and hydration in athletes.

Nutrition and hydration during training, pre-competition, competition, recovery, rest periods. Nutrition in endurance sports. Nutrition in power sports. Nutrition in alternating sports. Nutrition in dexterity sports. Foods with nutraceutical and/or ergogenic action. "Extreme" dietary regimes: evidence and risks.

Principles of operational management of catering in sports clubs and in the organization of competitive events.

Principles of food safety. The planning of meals for athletes and their correct storage and distribution.



CREA (Centro Ricerca Alimenti e Nutrizione) Linee Guida Italiane per una Sana Alimentazione, 2018.

L. Debellis e A. Poli - Alimentazione Nutrizione e Salute, EdiSES, 2019.

P. Biagi, A. Di Giulio, A. Fiorilli e A. Lorenzini -Principi di nutrizione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2010, Volumi 1 e 2 della collana: Nutrizione per lo Sport.


Jeukendrup A, Gleeson M. Sport Nutrition 3rd Edition. Human Kinetics, 2018.

Spano M, Kruskall LJ, Thomas DT. Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health. Human Kinetics, 2019.

Teaching methods

Lessons using Powerpoint slides.

Practical interactive training.

Assessment methods

Oral exam on the above topics.

Teaching tools

Powerpoint slides.

Online videos.

Online software: "Educazione Nutrizionale Grana Padano".

Office hours

See the website of Maria Letizia Petroni


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.