42902 - Applied Microbiology Laboratory

Academic Year 2015/2016

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will be used to coping with and solving problems related to microbiological topics of practical interest to the food industry. Such a goal will be reached through laboratory training during which case studies related to the evaluation of the microbiological quality of raw materials, the fulfillment of food to the microbiological legal requirements, the efficacy of sanitizing agents and the selection of microbial cultures to be used as starters for food fermentations will be taken into consideration.

Course contents

Assessment  of microorganisms raw materials, ingredients and foods with traditional and alternative techniques. Evaluation of spoilage microorganisms. Evaluation of food shelf-life. Evaluation of pathogenic microorganisms (i.e. Escerichia coli, Samonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterrocolitica, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens,  Clostridium botulinum). Purification, maintenance, identification and characterization (phenotypic and genotypic methods) of microbial cultures. Set up of experimental designs to improve food safety and shelf-life. Set up of experimental design to optimize microbial culture performances. Determination of the efficacy of natural antimicrobials (i.e. essential oils) and processes alternative to thermal treatments (i.e. high pressure homogenization; gas plasma). Challenge tests. Selection of starter cultures suitable for specific productive processes.


Laboratorio di Microbiologia. Seeley H. W., Vandermark P. J., Lee J. J. Zanichelli;

Lecture slides, specific articles and references will be available at the end of  the course

Teaching methods

Lectures and laboratory practices

Assessment methods

The exam consists of a final written text of about  1.5 hours. It is not allowed the use of books, notes and other tools. The written test consists of 5 questions regarding both the topics treated during the lectures and the Lab practical experiences. Each question corresponds to a value of 7 points. Thirty cum laude obtaining a total score of at least 33 points.

Teaching tools

Slide-projector; Overhead-projector, PC

Office hours

See the website of Rosalba Lanciotti