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On-site labs, location and capacity
- Grey Lab (73 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) entrance from Cortile Alberti or Via Cattaneo - first floor
- Red Lab (40 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) Via Angherà, 22 - first floor
- Green Lab (31 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) Via Angherà, 22 - First floor
- Blue Lab (30 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) Via Angherà, 22 - First floor
- Black Lab (14 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) Via Q. Sella, 14 – Ground floor. Free access for students from 9.00 am to 6 pm from monday to friday.
- White Lab (16 PC for students + 1 PC for the teacher) Piazzetta teatini,10 - First floor
HomeLabs, the virtual laboratories
- For training and practise: HomeworkLab
- For attending to the lessons from home: LessonLab
Accessing the labs:Who, when and how
Laboratories (either on-site, or virtual ones) can be accessed only by the students who are enrolled to any Course of Rimini Campus. Institutional credentials are needed.
- On-site labs can be accessed only after attending Online courses on Health and Safety in Study and Research Areas. Access is allowed only to attend to the lessons and after booking with the App provided by University of Bologna.
- Free access to the on-site lab is allowed only in the Black Lab from 9.00 am to 6 pm from monday to friday.
- Homelabs are always available (except for maintenance).
Software on the labs
Each PC on the labs (either on-site, or virtual one) is provided with Microsoft Windows 10 O.S. (Enterprise Edition). Users can turn the interface language into English, italian, or Chinese.
The list of installed software is available on this page.
Printing and scanning
Users can print and scan documents (respecting copyright laws) from each on-site lab.
Settore Servizi Informatici
Sector Manager: Maria Cristina Mancini/Vice Sector Manager: Massimo Baroni
Via Angherà 22 - (First floor) 47921 - Rimini
+39.0541.4 34127+39.0541.4 34204
+39.0541.4 34128
Settore Servizi Informatici (Assistenza e sviluppo)
Responsabile: Maria Cristina Mancini - Vice Responsabile: Massimo Baroni - Staff: Simone Ancarani, Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Cristian Righi, Luca Rimondi, Antonella Sala, Francesco Urbinati
Via Angherà, 22 (first floor) - RIMINI
Office hours
From monday to friday 9am/12.15pm – 1pm/4.30pm
+39 0541 4 34205Fax
+39 0541 4 34128
Settore Servizi Informatici (Prenotazione lab, Pratiche acquisti e affidamento beni)
Staff: Rita Battistelli, Laura Galli
Via Angherà, 22 (First floor), 47921 - RIMINI
Office hours
From monday to friday 8 am/12.30 pm
+39 0541 434160Fax
+39 0541 434128