Anno Accademico 2021/2022

  • Docente: Alessio Bonaldo
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: AGR/20
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Italiano
  • Moduli: Alessio Bonaldo (Modulo 1) Federico Sirri (Modulo 2)
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 1) Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Food animal metabolism and management in the circular economy (cod. 5814)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

At the end of the module, students know the main performance indicators, the main interconnections between circular/sustainable agriculture, productivity and animal welfare, are able to evaluate and discuss the consequences of different farming methods and animal management techniques on circularity/sustainability, productivity and welfare and soil health and are able to evaluate existing farming systems and propose corrective strategies.


The course will deal with the more recent scientific and practical information related to sustainable farming of poultry and aquaculture.

In particular the courses will be diveded in:

Introduction: European and word production, production of feed, carbon footprint and emissions of productive chains

Ingredients: circular ingredients, sustainable production of raw matherials

Feeding: precise feeding management, tools to improve the efficacy of feeding


Farming: integrated farming systems, sustainable farming systems, combined farming systems


Due to the scarcity of specific textbooks, the reading list/bibliography will be mostly based on scientific papers and online resources. An updated list of bibliographic sources (divided in compulsory, recommended, and in-depth readings) will be made available in the institutional repository.

Metodi didattici

The course is structured in 32 hours of class lectures and 24 hours of practical activities

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

The evaluation will be made by oral examination trough 2-3 open questions about the issues presented during the course.

Evaluation scheme:

  • 18-19: with some help from the teacher, the student can recall the main theoretical aspects.
  • 20-24: the student shows knowledge of the theoretical aspects and can autonomously analyse the scenarios presented (in class or during the written exam), generally using correct language.
  • 25-29: the student can express a reasoned judgment on the scenarios proposed, using specifies examples, making use of specific technical language.
  • 30-30L: the student can make connections between different topics, can discuss and argument his answers and critically assess the presented scenarios, properly using the terminology and the bibliographic sources. The Candidate is able to propose corrective strategies when necessary.


Final grade of the integrated course and digital record:

  • the grade of the integrated course will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained in the course units;
  • digital records, filled in by using the AlmaEsami system, will be completed by the Chairman of the Examination Board no later than 5 days following the exam or test date.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

  • Teaching slides
  • Videos, online sources, and reading list (Virtuale platform: https://virtuale.unibo.it/ [http:] )

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Alessio Bonaldo

Consulta il sito web di Federico Sirri