90423 - Written Culture of the Medieval West and Humanism

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Library and Archive Science (cod. 9077)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of literature written in Italian and Latin during the Middle Ages and Humanism. By the end of the course, students will therefore be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of the most important literary generes and trends of the period; appraise literary sources in relation to different methods of texts production and diffusion; students will also develop their skills in the area of textual and bibliographical research and enquiry.

Course contents

The course will consist of two sections. The first part will provide students with a general overview of the Latin language, of its grammar and syntax, and of its historical development.

During the second part of the Course, conceived as a way to improve the knowledge of, and the acquaintance with, Classic and Medieval Latin, we will offer an overview of the history of the literary genre of fable, legends, and folk tale.

Students who intend to refresh or improve their knowledge of Latin language are welcomed to follow the Course, even if they do not plan to pass the exam. In particular, students who contemplate to follow the Course on Medieval Latin (13116; BA in Cultural Heritage) offered by Prof. Ventura are encouraged to take part in this Course if they wish to refine their background in Latin language.


For the first section, students may use a good handbook of Latin language, such as the ones used in High Schools (e.g.: (ad esempio: . Dionigi – E. Riganti – L. Morisi, Verba et res. Morfosintassi e lessico del latino, 2 voll., Bari, 1999 ristampato con il titolo Il latino. Grammatica ed esercizi, Bari, 2011); see also, for the characteristics of Medieval Latin, P. Bourgain, Le latin médiéval, Turnhout, 2005.

For the second section, the fundamental bibliography consists of following works: F. Bertini, Interpreti medievali di Fedro, Napoli, 1998; Lupus in fabula : Fedro e la favola latina tra antichità e Medioevo : studi offerti a Ferruccio Bertini, ed. C. Mordeglia, Bologna, 2014; C. Mordeglia, Fedro e dintorni, Bologna, 2017.

The Latin texts discussed during the first and the second section of the Course will be uploaded on the "Virtuale" platform provided by the University of Bologna.

Non-attending students are kindly requested to read, in addition to the other texts, following essay: C. Mordeglia, "Animali parlanti nelle favole di Fedro", in Animali parlanti: letteratura, teatro e canzoni, a cura di C. Mordeglia, Firenze, 2017, p. 43-68. Nonetheless, they are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura in due time to receive instructions and useful suggestions in order to prepare the exam correctly.

Teaching methods

Classes (30 hours). The first section will offer a training in Latin language by using some short texts. On the other hand, the second section will include some common readings, discussions, and interpretations of the selected Latin texts belonging to the literary genre of fables and folk tales involving students.

Assessment methods

The exam will take place in form of interviews. During the exams, students shall show their skills in

- understanding and present the ways in which Latin language evolved during the Middle Ages;

- translating and commenting upon the selected Latin texts and describe the main features of Latin grammar and syntax;

- outlining the main features of the different stages of development of the literature of fables and legends during the Middle Ages.

Insufficient understanding and scarce explanation of Medieval history in its stages of development, inadequate comment of discusses texts, and lack of appropriate language will lead to poor evaluation of the student.

Students may choose between two options: 1) answer questions on the general program; 2) focus on a topic selected individually, and prepare a short conference of ca. 30 minutes. If the student selects the second option, he/she must discuss and choose the topic and the bibliography 30 days before the exam at latest.


Teaching tools

The Latin texts selected for the third section of the course will be uploaded on the "Virtuale" platform.

Students who cannot attend the course are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ventura.

Office hours

See the website of Iolanda Ventura