75762 - Physiology of Aquatic Animals

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Aquaculture and Fish Production Hygiene (cod. 8834)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student who has previously learned the morphology of Teleosts and Chondrostei, will learn the basic mechanisms that govern the functions of the different cell types, tissues, organs and systems of aquatic animals with special reference to the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems. In particular, the student will get to know the general physiology of the major organ systems and will be provided with the basics to attend the specific courses within the health and livestock sectors

Course contents

General physiology of the cell. Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport. Endocitosis, esocitosis. Osmotic regulation of the cell tone. Physiology of the blood and the cardiocirculatory apparatus in teleostea. Physiology of respiratory and gaseous exchanges in teleostea. Physiology of the digestive system. Physiology of excretory organs in teleostea. Physiology of floating and swimming. Physiological differences in freshwater and salt water species. Adaptations to salt water and freshwater in eurialin species. Physiology of the sense organs; autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The physiology of cephalopod mollusks, bivalves and crustaceans of interest in aquaculture.


Fisiologia degli animali marini. Alessandro Poli, Elena Fabbri. EdiSES s.r.l, Napoli 2012

Fisiologia degli animali: regolazione, diversità, adattamento. Alessandro Poli. Zanichelli editore, Bologna 2006

Fisiologia animale. R. Hill, G. Wise, M. Anderson. Zanichelli editore, Bologna 2006

The laboratory fish  edited by Gary K. Ostrander. Academic press, San Diego (CA) 2000.

Teaching methods

Ex-catedra lectures

Practical lessons in the laboratory or experimental fish farm

Assessment methods

The examination is ORAL. During the course, "in itinere" checks will be made to evaluate the learning of students

Teaching tools

  • audio-visual material
  • educational visits

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Albamaria Parmeggiani