73399 - Sociology of The Family and Third Sector

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students: - will have gained theoretical knowledge concerning the sociology of the family and of the third sector, particularly its cultural and structural transformations, and the emergence of new sociological configurations; - will have the methodological tools to analyse contemporary phenomenology of the family and of the third sector, in particular with regard to the design and evaluation of social policies devoted thereto.

Course contents

The course is divided into three modules:

  1. In the first module, topics related to the definition and scientific observation of the shape of the family are dealt with. Particular, the transformation of the family in recent decades in Italy and Europe will be a focus point.
  2. In the second module, the definition of the non-profit sector or the third sector is dealt with in the light of its transformation and hybridization processes.
  3. The third module consists of a single topic devoted to the subject of family friendly employee welfare as a specific area of implementation of family-orientated policies in a context of multi-faceted welfare.


1. Pierpaolo Donati, Perché la famiglia. Le risposte della sociologia relazionale, Cantagalli, 2008. [libro]

2. Elena Macchioni, Famiglia come capitale sociale: una critica alle tesi del familismo amorale, in: Famiglia risorsa della società, Bologna, IL MULINO, 2012, pp. 121 - 145. [capitolo di libro]

3. Riccardo Prandini, Servizi Relazionali Sussidiari e (Meta)Riflessività. Il caso del Giocoamico di Parma. In «SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI», 2007, 10, 3, pp. 145 - 169 [articolo]

4. Paolo Venturi e Flaviano Zandonai, Imprese ibride. Modelli di innovazione sociale per rigenerare valore. Milano, EGEA, 2016. [libro]

5. Elena Macchioni, La costruzione dell'identità femminile fra responsabilità familiari e lavorative, «SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI», 2013, 16, pp. 159 - 178 [articolo]

6. Elena Macchioni, Culture e pratiche del welfare aziendale. Dalla responsabilità alla cittadinanza d'impresa, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014 (Solo i capitoli 1 e 4). [capitoli di libro]

Teaching methods

The lessons for the first module will be carried out as lectures presented by the teacher.

The lessons of the second and third modules will be carried out by the teacher and the subject expert, and will be dealt with in a seminar-style through the direct involvement of the students in the presentation of some case studies and the critical discussion of the content presented.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of a written test composed of open questions concerning the essays and the texts in the bibliography. The test is aimed at verifying that the students have learned and processed the contents presented during the course in a critical manner.

Teaching tools

During the course, students will be provided with supplementary teaching material (texts, Italian and foreign essays, research reports) aimed at in depth apprehension of the specific aspects of the program.

Students who are interested will be given the opportunity to go in depth into some issues related to the specific branch of knowledge and its contemporary development through theoretical and empirical research.

In these cases students will be required provide a “paper” on the topic which will be discussed in the classroom with the teacher and other students.

Giulia Ganugi is a subject expert on the matter.

Office hours

See the website of Elena Macchioni