72710 - Food and Nutrition Biochemistry

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Fabiana Trombetti (Modulo 1) Salvatore Nesci (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Animal Biotechnology (cod. 8522)

Learning outcomes

The students know the features of the constituents of food of animal origin, their relationship with metabolism and the biochemical transformations during production and storage; students are able to apply the acquired knowledge to assessed feeding systems, in the perspective of food quality and safety. The students know the biochemical bases of nutrition, namely the biochemical features of nutrients, the molecular mechanisms involved in the uptake and utilization of nutrients and the possible interactions nutrients-genome; the students are able to critically apply the acquired knowledge to biotechnologies of animal nutrition.

Course contents

The course is devided in two parts of 24 hours each.
Dott. Trombetti will teach "Food biochemistry"; Dott. Nesci will teach "Biochemical basis of nutrition".

Food biochemistry. Chemical structure, properties and functions of foodstuff constituents: water, inorganic salts, lipids, glucides, proteins and vitamins. Composition and nutritive value of raw foodstuffs: milk and dairy products, meat, fishing products, eggs and honey. Chemical-biochemical changes in food nutrient composition. Chemical and biochemical parameters as animal origin food quality indices.

Biochemical basis of nutrition. The study of carbohydrates will focus on their functional role in the animal organism in the anabolic and catabolic processes related to the glycemic role of glucose. Lipids will be examined for their different biological roles, also by deepening the essential fatty acid relevance in the eicosanoid production. The functional cycle of lipoproteins and their participation in lipid metabolism will be illustrated. In proteins, the dietary amino acid contribution and involvement in cell metabolism will be considered. The main biochemical processes in which all vitamins are involved will be considered. In the study of metabolic regulation in tissues under nutrition and fasting conditions the main focus will be on the metabolic pathways regulated by insulin and glucagon and on the role of adipokines in the retroactive regulation of adiposity. The nutrient pathways in monogastric and polygastic animals will be considered from a comparative point of view.


  • CABRAS P., MARTELLI A. "Chimica degli alimenti" Piccin, Padova.
  • CAPPELLI P., VANNUCCHI V. "Chimica degli alimenti. Conservazione e trasformazione", Zanichelli, Bologna
  • COZZANI I., DAINESE E. "Biochimica degli alimenti e della nutrizione", Piccin, Padova
  • GIGLIOTTI C., VERGA R. "Biotecnologie alimentari", Piccin, Padova
  • LEUZZI U., BELLOCCO E., BARRECA D. "Biochimica della nutrizione", Zanichelli, Bologna


Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons and practical activities. Seminars could be requested from students to deep arguments of specific interest.

Assessment methods

1) Procedures concerning the evaluation of the students
The exam consists of an oral exam.
The oral exam aims at verifying the developed knowledge and the skills in applying them. Special attention is drawn to critical and logical thinking and to properly explaining skills.

2) Procedures concerning the booking and dates of exam sessions
Students can book exam only through online procedure at web site AlmaEsami: (https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm).
Student who fails the examination may take it again at least three weeks after the previous attempt.

Teaching tools

Transparencies, projector, slides, computer, laboratories and specific instruments.

Office hours

See the website of Fabiana Trombetti

See the website of Salvatore Nesci