69871 - Immunopathology and Veterinary Oncology

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

The teaching of"Immunopathology andveterinaryoncology" aims to provide students with theintellectual tools tounderstandthe pathogenic mechanismsof immunopathologyand oncology.

At the end of study, student knows the underlying tissue damage mechanisms at the base of hypersensitivity reactions and transplant rejection, the mechanisms by which materialize autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies, and the development of tumors (morphology, invasiveness, metastasis) and the pathogenetic mechanism of neoplastic transformation. The student is able to recognize the main tumor types onhistological preparations.

Course contents

General oncology: benign and malignant neoplasms, molecular basis of cancer, protoncogenes alterations and tumor suppressor genes alterations, DNA repair, invasion and metastasis, host defense against tumors and tumor immunity, clinical aspects of neoplasia, grading and staging of tumors and laboratory diagnosis.

Immunopathology: immunodeficiency sindrome, hypersensitivity type I, II, III, IV, rejection of tissue transplants


 The material for the course consists of suggested books, and the notes are ​​available for students on the appropriate website (see http://campus.cib.unibo.it  or via Dr. Brunettiwebsite).

  • Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease, 9th edition 2014
  • Pathologic basis of veterinary disease. McGavin MD, Zachary JF. Elsevier Masson, 4° ed. 2008. Cap 5 and 6.

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of academic (frontal) (20 hours) and practical lectures (6 x 4 hours);
The lectures are conducted in classroom with the aim of a computer, a projector and when necessary the use of a database of images (Noas'h Arkive), which allow the viewing of microscopic and macroscopic presented lesions.
The practical lessons are organized by dividing the students into four groups, each of which will have the same practical hours. The tutorial will be held in a classroom equipped with optical microscopes and a microscope connected to a videocamera and to a projector for interactive explanation of the provided slides. For each slide, the student has at its disposal a card with a description of the preparation and the teacher is available to provide any additional explanation.
The aims of the practical lessons are twofold:
• students acquire familiarity with the optical microscope - acquisition of professional skills;
• students develop the ability to recognize organs and lesions and, to use the appropriate language when describing histological sample - acquisition of diagnostic skills and communication

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral examination that takes place simultaneously with the oral exam of "General Pathology and Pathophysiology of domestic animals", and a practical test which includes slides of both teachings.The two parts are held at the same time or sepatately. The three part must be overcome within 3 exam sessions.


a) practical test

The purpose of the practical test is to assess if the student is able to recognize which organ is involved, what is the lesion and to describe it using appropriate terminology. The test is based on the recognition, by the student, of a histological sample among those presented and available during the practical lessons of "General Pathology and Pathophysiology of domestic animals" and "Immunopathology and General Oncology". Most of the preparations are also available on the didactic portal. The test is considered successfully passed if to the candidate it is given a grade higher than 18/30.

b) Oral exam
The purpose of the oral examination is to test the acquisition of knowledge provided, as specified, in the objectives of the course and it will be deemed superseded by answering correctly to two questions related to the different arguments covered during the course.
The final grade of the course "Veterinary General Pathology" consists of the synthesis of the final evaluations of the 3 different teachings that compose it and the vote should be recorded immediately.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC connected to a camera mounted on a light microscope, light microscopes.

Office hours

See the website of Barbara Brunetti