- Docente: Sara Capacci
- Crediti formativi: 5
- SSD: SECS-S/03
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Health Economics and Management (cod. 5902)
dal 21/09/2023 al 23/10/2023
- Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency, measures of dispersions and graphical displays
- Random variables and probability distributions, the Normal Distribution, the Standard Normal Distribution, the Student’s T distribution
- Populations and samples, point estimation and confidence intervals for the population mean for the case of known and unknown variance
- Hypothesis testing for the mean and for the difference between two means
- Rosner, B. (2016) “Fundamentals of Biostatistics”, Cengage.
- Agresti, A. (2018) "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences", 5th edition. Pearson
- Plichta Kellar, S.B. and Kelvin, E.A. (2013) "Munro's statistical methods for health care research”. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Metodi didattici
During the course theoretical and practical sessions will be held. During practical sessions empirical knowledge of the proposed methods will be reached through real-world case studies and exercises performed using Microsoft Excel.
The UNIBO e-learning platform (VIRTUALE) will be used to share teaching materials and to assign periodical home assignments to students.
Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento
The course has a required cumulative final examination. You must take, and pass, the final examination to receive a passing grade in the course. The final exam will be a written test (computer based). Students are required to enrol using Almaesami.
The test consists in three sections:
1) multiple choice/short-answers section (35% of Exam Score, 6 questions);
2) free response section requiring interpretatin of statistical outputs (20% of Exam Score, 2 questions);
3) practical section with Excel (45% of Exam Score, 5 questions).
The test duration is 75 minutes.
(Please notice that the test structure might change; any modifications will be communicated in class).
The grading system is on a 0-30 range, the following grid applies:
- <18 failed
- 18-23 sufficient
- 24-27 good
- 28-30 very good
- 30 cum laude honors
Strumenti a supporto della didattica
The following tools will be available on the UNIBO e-learning platform (VIRTUALE)
- Slides/lecture notes: summarising theoretical concepts shown in class
- Exercises and Solutions which will be regularly proposed to students
- Miscellanea: exercises, focus notes, sample tests will be uploaded when needed
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Sara Capacci