Anno Accademico 2023/2024

  • Docente: Chiara Pompa
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/03
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Fashion Studies (cod. 9067)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Lo studente al termine del corso acquisisce conoscenze nell'ambito fotografico della moda e della pubblicità. Affina strumenti e abilità interpretative per riconoscere immaginari e suggestioni provenienti dalle pratiche e dalle poetiche della fotografia di moda. Sa analizzare e progettare le fasi ideazionali della comunicazione della moda con consapevolezza critica.


The course achieves the following goals:

  • to introduce students to the main lines of development of fashion photography, from its origins to the end of the 20th century;
  • to provide students with methodological tools to understand the peculiarities of fashion photography as a commercial practice and its connections with artistic photography;
  • to investigate the photographic representation of the female body in fashion magazines and, in particular, the construction of beauty standards.

Lectures will explore the following cross-cutting themes in the fashion photography history of the last century:

  • the intersection between commercial photography and art photography;
  • the imaginaries between fiction and reality of fashion photojournalism;
  • the construction and deconstruction of female beauty canons.



Mandatory readings and learning resources:

Attending students must study various educational materials, including slideshows, articles, book chapters, documentaries and streaming videos. These materials can be downloaded from the "Virtuale" page, linked to the course webpage.

Suggested readings:

  • N. Hall-Duncan, The History of Fashion Photography, Alpine Book Company, 1979.
  • B. Newhall, The History of Photography, The Museum of Modern Art, NY, 1982.
  • S. Kismaric, E. Respini (eds.), Fashioning Fiction in Photography since 1990, The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2004.
  • M. L. Frisa with F. Bonami, A. Mattirolo (eds.), Italian eyes : Italian fashion photographs from 1951 to today, Charta, Milano 2005.
  • E. Shinkle (ed.), Fashion as Photographs. Viewing and Riviewing Images of Fashion, I.B. Tauris, New York 2008.



Mandatory readings:

  • S. Kismaric, E. Respini (eds.), Fashioning Fiction in Photography since 1990, The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2004.
  • F. Muzzarelli, From Family Album to Snapshot Style, in "Notebook 2015" (Pearson 2015)
  • C. POMPA, The Beauty of Inclusivity: “Visual Activism” from Social Media to Fashion Magazines, in «Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture», Vol. 6, n. 2, 2021, pp. 313 – 333.

Suggested readings:

  • N. Hall-Duncan, The History of Fashion Photography, Alpine Book Company, 1979.
  • B. Newhall, The History of Photography, The Museum of Modern Art, NY, 1982.
  • S. Kismaric, E. Respini (eds.), Fashioning Fiction in Photography since 1990, The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2004.
  • M. L. Frisa with F. Bonami, A. Mattirolo (eds.), Italian eyes : Italian fashion photographs from 1951 to today, Charta, Milano 2005.
  • E. Shinkle (ed.), Fashion as Photographs. Viewing and Riviewing Images of Fashion, I.B. Tauris, New York 2008.

Metodi didattici

The course will integrate traditional lectures with project-based classes. Starting from Week 3, students must actively participate in developing an individual project.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Methods for the assessment of the attending students

Attending students will be assessed on project work based on a topic assigned by the teacher during class time. They must send the project works to the teacher as email attachment (in .pdf format) at least seven days before the day of the exam date published on AlmaEsami.
More details will be given during lessons.

Methods for the assessment of the non-attending students

Non-attending students will be evaluated on a written paper.

They will write a paper on a topic chosen from the teacher's slideshow and readings in this Lecture Course's Bibliography. The paper must be typed using Times New Roman 12 and be 10,000 characters minimum and 20,000 characters maximum (blank spaces included).

The paper must include:

  • Student name and surname and identification number ("Matricola")
  • Title of the paper
  • Main Text (structured in sections or not)
  • At least 15 photographic images (covers, editorials, advertising campaigns from fashion magazines) accompanied by the relevant captions (photographer's name, title or brief description of the image, year)
  • Bibliography

The students must send the paper to the teacher as email attachment (in .pdf format) at least 15 days before the day of the exam date published on AlmaEsami.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Multimedia tools

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Chiara Pompa


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