- Docente: Gabriele Soffritti
- Crediti formativi: 12
- Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
- Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Statistical Sciences (cod. 9222)
Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire
The student, during the preparation internship for the final examination, in a company based abroad conducts research and/or practical activities. The internship allows the student to acquire knowledge and professional skills useful to prepare the final dissertation, on the basis of a project shared with the thesis supervisor and supported by an external tutor within the company. Through the internship the student acquires direct knowledge of a professional environment related to his/her studies as regards as data, decision processes and operational behaviours typical of the hosting organisation. Moreover, the student applies to a company his/her own knowledge of learned tools of analysis, deals with the critical interpretation of results, and develops communication capacities of the final results.
Students can carry out their internship outside of Italy following one of the possibilities listed below:
- by participating in an international mobility programme, such as: Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship, grants for preparing the dissertation abroad; see also Internships abroad with international mobility programmes;
- by contacting a company/institution located abroad, and following the passages explained here.
This internship allows the student to gain the first 12 credits associated with the final dissertation. To this end, (at least) 300 hours of activities (max. 360 hours) have to be conducted by the student in the company. Such activities have to be consistent with the project shared with the teacher who will play the role of thesis supervisor and the tutor within the company.
Once agreed the topic of the final dissertation with the thesis supervisor and the external tutor, the student has to ask to add this type of internship to their career. Requests can be sent to the Internship office anytime, despite the 2 periods scheduled to change study plans; a specific form is needed (see https://corsi.unibo.it/2cycle/StatisticalSciences/internships).
Once this request has been accepted, the student's study plan will be modified as follows:
- the Master Thesis will be removed;
- the following activities will be inserted:
- 84551 Internship abroad for Preparation of the Final Examination (12 cfu);
- Final Examination.
Once the internship activities have been completed, the student must continue with the project agreed with the thesis supervisor in order to obtain the credits associated with the activity Final Examination.
For more information see https://corsi.unibo.it/2cycle/StatisticalSciences/internships
Orario di ricevimento
Consulta il sito web di Gabriele Soffritti