02935 - LABORATORIO (Lab16)

Anno Accademico 2017/2018

  • Docente: Silvia Grandi
  • Crediti formativi: 4
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

Lo studente, attraverso un’'attività di laboratorio selezionata fra quelle che saranno attivate di anno in anno, sviluppa competenze nell'’elaborazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite negli insegnamenti del corso di studi. Sa raccogliere, organizzare e analizzare informazioni complesse, nonché presentare i risultati dell'’ analisi in forma scritta e orale.


vedere la versione in inglese




The course provides an introduction to political geography, geopolitics, the international financial architecture and trends especially useful in the field of international cooperation.

Moreover, the laboratorial part will enhance knowledge and practice on how to design and manage process, programmes and projects in the various field of international cooperation (country papers, strategy papers, elements on monitoring, structuring project proposals in international cooperation, indicators and assessments, budgeting and reporting, missions organisation, etc.). Both traditional (aid) and integrated (post-aid) approaches will be used.

The importance of the sustainable development paradigm, the bottom-up and local development approach will be methodologically central in conceptualizing actions.

Finally, students will develop knowledge and skills to debate the future scenarios of international cooperation and the different paradigms of development.

This course is structured in two main parts: (1) a theoretical and (2) an applied one. Overall, a thinking and learning lab atmosphere will be created with the aim of enabling students to acquire the basis to create, design and manage processes, programmes, projects in the various fields of international cooperation.


For a comprehensive chronological and thematic overview, students are required to study:

  • DG BUDGET, 2017, A guide to EU Funds. 2017 edition. European Union, Brussels. (free on: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7d72330a-7020-11e7-b2f2-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-39311751 )
  • DG BUDGET, 2014, A beginners guideline to EU Funding. European Union, Brussels. (free on: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/9eb0b343-aa5e-46b6-8cd4-4fc07dcaddea/language-en/format-PDF/source-search )
  • DG BUDGET, 2015, EU budget at Glance. European Union, Brussels.(free on: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7472f901-0de2-4eee-bfa6-4373571146e1/language-en/format-PDF/source-39420457 )
  • PARENTI F.M. E ROSATI U. (eds), 2016. Geofinanza e geopolitica, EGEA, Milano – ISBN 978-88-238-2212-2 (only chapter 2, 5, 6)*
    • cap. 2. GRANDI S., PARENTI F.M, L’evoluzione dell’architettura finanziaria globale istituzionale e le riforme possibili ed impossibili (pp. 29-46)
    • cap. 5 ROSATI U., I luoghi della finanza (pp. 75-100)
    • cap. 6 ROSATI U. Dinamiche geopolitiche (pp. 101-114)
  • *English versions available upon request to the Lecturer


Instructions for non-attending students (non frequentanti): Non attending students are required to study the core texts above.

Instructions for SPOSI students:use this book

Grandi S., Sviluppo, geografia e cooperazione internazionale. Teorie, politiche e mappamondi, La Mandragora, Imola, 2013.

Metodi didattici

Lectures are composed of classical/seminaries supported by PC-based presentations, case studies, maps and videos. Moreover, tutorial, simulations and working group sessions are going to be performed in the second part of the laboratory.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Students who attend lectures (frequentanti) can prepare an essay and a presentation to be done and discussed in the final day of lectures. Essay titles will be announced as of the reach of the 6th lecture.

Students who do not attend lectures (non frequentanti), or who do not prepare the above mentioned essay and presentation, will take a single written test in a regular exam session (prova totale). This written test is composed of 11 questions with closed answer or short open answers.

In special cases, an essay can be agreed with the lecturer.

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Pc, videos, slides, maps.


Link ad altre eventuali informazioni


Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Silvia Grandi