Anno Accademico 2017/2018

  • Docente: Luca Benini
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: ING-INF/01
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The main goal of the class is to provide an overview on the methods for designing, validating and verifying complex embedded electronic system. The importance of software components in virtually all electronic systems will be emphasized. Thus, special focus will be given to hardware-software co-design methods and tools; the most common HW-SW co-design approaches used in industry (telecom, automotive, industrial automation) will be surveyed in details. Course contents: hardware-software system architecture; systems-on-chip (SoC with general-purpose processor, SoC with application-specific processor, Reconfigurable SoCs, Multiprocessor SoCs (MPSoCs), Networks on chip (NoCs)), Systems on Board (Microcontroller systems, Smart sensors, Reconfigurable systems), Distributed embedded systems (Wired communication protocols, Wireless sensor networks, Wearable and portable systems), Software components for embedded systems (Real-time Operating systems, Device drivers & Firmware, APIs e hardware abstraction layers, Hardware-software codesign), Modeling HW/SW systems (Platform-based design, Component-based design, Communication-based design), Functional abstractions for HW/SW (Data-flow (es. Synchronous dataflow), Control-oriented (es. Generalized state machines), Event-driven (es. Simulink), Model selection strategy, hybrid models), Hardware-software description languages (Survey of languages for system design (focus on SystemC), Case studies), Synthesis and computer-aided design (Key issues in HW/SW synthesis, Hardware & software (scheduling, allocation, partitioning), Alternative design flows, Verification and validation), Simulation/Emulation/Prototyping (Cosimulation. Cosimulation algorithms, Commercial cosimulator examples, Emulation. Basic concepts and examples, Prototyping: ICE and prototyping boards), Concurrent HW-SW verification.


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