Corso di alta formazione in From data to decision: a non-technical course on data-driven decision making - 5926

Codice 5926
Anno accademico 2024-2025
Tipologia di corso Formazione permanente
Area di interesse Scientifico-tecnologica
Sede didattica Bologna
Direttore Angela Montanari
Durata 5 mesi
Costo € 1.000,00
Prevista selezione No
Scadenza bando


Struttura proponente
Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche "Paolo Fortunati" - STAT
The programme, which will last for five months, will be taught in English. The programme awards 9 ECTS University educational credits (CFU) and has as its learning outcome The participants should reach a basic
understanding of what a data science project is. In particular, they should develop the ability to cooperate in groups for the production of simple analyses, and to understand the outcomes of more complicated ones. They should also be able to focus on the path from problems to data analytic solutions and to communicate the results of data analysis. The LLC will introduce professionals to fundamentals of data science in a non-technical way, providing them with the skills to understand the importance of data-driven decision making and interact with technical data science teams in their organizations.

The programme is composed of three modules: Module 1 and Module 2 will be delivered online through the University of Bologna Moodle platform. For each online module, 2 CFU are recognised for a total of 4 CFU. In addition to the 20 hours of videolessons delivered asynchronously, other activities are planned (Online tutoring, Further, reading/individual study, Active/interactive online activities, Assessment) which require a total commitment of 100 hours. Module 3 will be carried out in presence and foresees a workload of 35 hours of frontal classroom lessons (21 of frontal teaching and 14 of other activities) that will take place during a full-time week (7 hours a day for 5 days) and an individual and/or group project work that will take place asynchronously during the following two weeks.
Numero partecipanti
Minimo: 10 - Massimo: 20
Titoli d'accesso
- All first cycle degree or second cycle degree awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 (or single cycle degrees awarded under the degree programme systems in force prior to Ministerial Decree DM 509/99);

- All first cycle degree or second cycle degree awarded abroad and valid for admission to the programme;

- High school diploma with work experience of at least 3 years;

-Self-certification of B2 level of English language.
Piano didattico
  • Module 1 (online)
    - Types of data, data formats, and data collection methods;
    - Computational thinking: algorithms, storage, modelling;
    - Basic statistical properties of data sets, data quality;
    - Data cleaning, transformation and linkage;
    - Data visualisation and interpretation.

  • Module 2 (online)
    - Using simple analytics tools and building narratives;
    - Providing information to support decision-making;
    - Economic and societal value of data and analytics;
    - Ethical and legal aspects, social impact awareness.
  • Module 3
    The module is expected to be held in presence. The participants should reach a basic understanding of what a data science project is. In particular, they should develop the ability to cooperate in groups for the production of simple analyses, and to understand the outcomes of more complicated ones. They should also be able to focus on the path from problems to data analytic solutions and to communicate the results of data analysis.

Frequenza obbligatoria
70 %