Codice | 5995 |
Anno accademico | 2023-2024 |
Tipologia di corso | Alta Formazione |
Area di interesse | Umanistica |
Sede didattica | Bologna |
Direttore | Francesco Bianchini |
Durata | 10 months |
Costo | total fee: € 5'400,00 - € 3.000,00 for applicants from lower middle class income countries (LMIC) as defined by the world bank |
Prevista selezione | Si |
Scadenza bando |
29/06/2023 (Scaduto) |
Inizio e fine immatricolazione | from July 10, 2023 to July 18, 2023 |
- Struttura proponente
Dipartimento di Filosofia – FILO
- Presentazione
- The Programme, which will last for 10 months, will be taught in English. The Programme awards 18 University educational credits (CFU) and has as its learning outcome to deepen the conceptual, methodological, ethical, anthropological and sociological aspects of oncological research and practice.
- Numero partecipanti
- Minimo: 15 - Massimo: 25
- Titoli d'accesso
- - Master degrees awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 (or second-cycle degrees awarded under the degree programme systems in force prior to Ministerial Decree DM 509/99) in the following disciplinary areas/degree programme classes: A four-year degree in Medicine or Nursing Sciences from a University or College is required, or a degree in another scientific or humanistic field equal to at least 4-year a course of study of and with a profile that highlights a strong interest in biomedical issues and, more specifically, oncology;
- Two-year Master degrees awarded abroad in the above-said disciplinary areas and valid for admission to the Programme;
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English. - Criteri di selezione
- Admission to the Programme is subject to passing the selection for titles.
- Piano didattico
- Critical reasoning in clinic - SSD: M-FIL/02 - Docente: Giovanni Boniolo;
- Diversities - SSD: M-FIL/02 -Docente: Giovanni Boniolo;
- End of life, supportive care and palliation - SSD: MED/06 - Docente: Guido Biasco;
- Screening and tests - SSD: MED/06 - Docente: Andrea Ardizzoni;
- Clinical situations - SSD: MED/06 - Docente: Fedro Peccatori;
- Patient centredness and empowerment - SSD: IUS/20 - Docente: Serena Vantin.
- Frequenza obbligatoria
- 75%