Unibo structure involved: Department of Political and Social Sciences
Unibo Team: Francesca Fauri, Giulio Ecchia, Marco Balboni, Marco Borraccetti, Sonia Lucarelli, Paolo Zurla, Mauro Maggiorani
Website: https://site.unibo.it/indemig
Project Duration in months: 24
Start Date: 01/09/2017
End Date: 31/08/2019
Budget: 60.000,00 euro
The main aim of the project is to contribute to start a new approach to European studies, with a three-dimensions objective: conceptual innovation within each academic discipline, inter-disciplinary dialogue between renewed disciplinary programs board (with emphasis on simple translatability), and international, European and global openness to research organization.
Starting from a historical analysis of the migration process in Europe (especially in Italy) the project will be led through a multidisciplinary approach with special regards to Migrations paying attention to the migration flux from former colonies to the European countries to analyse how each EU country approached migration and contributed to develop a proper EU approach to the topic.
Migration represents a common path for both the processes
The results of the research will be promoted and deepened through 2 activities for MA, Phd Students and young Researchers, to foster the critical discussion among the younger Academia. Then a Conference will bring together historians, but also experts from different fields to discuss the issues of the research. Jurists, economists, historians and political scientists will contribute to a better understanding of the subject in an open dialogue with the civil society. In order to share with civil society the research results, the members of the project envisage the organization of a specific seminar open to the public, during which the main aspects of the research results will be illustrated and discussed.
All the contents produces will be re-elaborate to make them accessible to school students. School meetings will be organized both in Forlì and Cagliari to make students and teachers aware of the connection of our history and the present situations.
Research and awareness activities will result in various outputs, such as an online research community, for researchers involved in the activities of the project, a specific website, a DVD, didactic and a publication.