Unibo structure involved: Department of Political and Social Sciences - SPS
Scientific manager: Antonio Fiori
Unibo Team: Licia Proserpio, Marco Milani, Marco Franceschini
Project Web page: http://engage.unibo.it
Erasmus+ Action type: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Capacity Building in higher education
Project reference: 618954-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Start Date: 15 January 2021
End Date: 14 January 2024
Total: € 980,452
UNIBO: € 188,977
Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (IT)
- Uppsala University (SE)
- Royal Uni of Phnom Penh (KH)
- National University of Management (KH)
- Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (KH)
- Ministry of Education, Youth And Sport (KH)
- National Uni of Laos (LA);
- Souphanouvong University (LA)
- Ministry of Education and Sports (LA)
- University of Yangon (MM)
- Taunggyi University (MM)
- Mandalar Degree College (MM)
- Ministry of Education (MM)
The main goal of the ENGAGE project is to promote and support students’ engagement within the Higher Education System (HES) in three Partner Countries located in Southeast Asia: Cambodia (KH), Lao PDR (LA), and Myanmar (MM). The project idea originates from the observation of the existing gaps in the HES of these countries for what concerns: the inclusion of students in designing and creating class activities; the possibility to express their own ‘voice’ within the governance institutions of the university and to organize extra-curricular activities through student associations; the engagement with the broader context of the social community at large.
ENGAGE builds on and expands the previous experiences of the CHINLONE and TOOLKIT projects including part of the ENGAGE consortium. Specifically, the ENGAGE project intends to address the problem of student engagement from three different perspectives, using three distinct platforms which constitutes the main levels of action for the students: classroom, campus, and community.
CLASSROOM ENGAGEMENT aims at addressing the problem of students' inclusion within the process of designing and managing of learning and teaching activities, transforming them from ‘passive subjects’ to ‘active agents’ of the "Learning and Teaching" (L&T) process.
CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT aims at addressing the problem of student participation in the governance and decision-making process of the universities. The problem of student engagement in the university institutions and organizations has emerged as a crucial point in the preliminary need analysis for the three Partner Countries.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT aims at addressing the problem of transforming the student engagement and participation on-campus into practices of community development and active citizenship in the social environment at large.