Unibo structure involved: Department of Architecture
Scientific manager: Lamberto Amistadi lamberto.amistadi@unibo.it
Unibo Team: Gino Malacarne; Francesco Saverio Fera; Francesco Gulinello; Ildebrando Clemente; Davide Giaffreda; Marika Mangano; Francesco Mirri.
Web page: http://site.unibo.it/archea/en
Action type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project reference: 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048305
Start Date: 1/9/2018
End Date: 31/7/2021
Total: 436.960,00 €
UNIBO: 128.660,00 €
Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (IT)
- Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (De)
- Politechnika Slaska (Pl)
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'architecture De Normandie (Fr)
- Universita Degli Studi Di Parma (It)
The Open Space of the European medium-sized city is recognized as a psychological, sociological and aesthetic High Quality Space. For this reason it can be assumed as a resource to conserve and develop consciously and as model to value the livability of the urban anthropic environment inside a Global Strategy of Sustainable Development.
The ARCHEA project relays on a constructive cooperation and integration between five Universities, research institutes and organizations all providing strong expertise in the field of urban studies, urban space quality evaluation and Distance Learning. Indeed the project proposes to develop, test and implement an Higher Education programme structured in a flexible blended learning path on study, quality evaluation and the design of the Open Space of the European medium-sized city, which mixes elearning courses (OER-MOOC) and practical activities planned for the physical mobility (Intensive Programmes for Learners, i.e. Architectural Design Workshops).
The ARCHEA aims to support:
- implementation of reforms in line with 2011 EU Modernization Agenda’s priority areas;
- development of an European Area of Skills and Qualifications;
- enhancement of digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work at various levels;
- ensuring education and research are mutually reinforcing and strengthening the role of institutions in their local and regional environments.
Although a number of 60 students will be supported by the project for the physical mobility, a higher number of students will benefit the courses on e-learning platform as these courses will be recognized and validated as ECTS. Furthermore, since the main outputs the project foresees are teaching materials that will be available as “open learning objects” in an e-learning platform, a wide number of persons besides students, such as private and public operators in the field of urban planning and design, will be potential beneficiary.
The ARCHEA project is organized in three different stages: stage one will be focus on the implementation and organization of the OER-MOOC; stage two application of the MOOC teaching/learning content to real case studies represented by selected areas within European medium-sized cities; stage three evaluation on the results of the pilot course and dissemination.