Two-way quantum communication with generalization of superdense coding

A method of two-way communication protocols for transmiting classical bits by using entangled quantum pairs. This protocol caters for provision of entangled pairs, which is assumed to be given in one-way superdense coding. The proposed protocol gives a 50% increase in both data rate and energy

Patent title Two-way quantum communication with generalization of superdense coding
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Lorenzo Valentini
Licensing status Available for development, option, licensing and other enhancement agreements
Keywords Quantum communications, entangled pairs, bi-directional communication, superdense coding, communication protocol
Filed on 05 September 2023

This mothod of two-way communication scheme addresses the main drawback of superdense coding, namely the entanglement distribution. By integrating the entanglement distribution into the communication protocol itself, it is used to convey information bits as well as distributing the EPR pairs between partecipants. The main difference introduced in the quantum scheme, we are able to transmit three information bits in a single slot, one bit due to the protocol and two bits due to superdense coding over an EPR pair.

  • Speed of communication increased of 50%
  • First step to build a quantum internet
  • Using quantum to improve the telecommunication network of what exists
  • Building blocks in a network that sends qubits.