Device for wave energy conversion

The invention is a device that carries wave energy conversion through a specific type of water turbine

Patent title A device for wave energy conversion
Thematic area Climate, Energy and Mobility
Inventors Renata Archetti, Adrià Moreno Miquel
Protection Italy
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Wave Energy Conversion, OWC, Moonpool, Double out-phased resonance, Point Absorber
Filed on 23 November 2017

The given invention avails itself of the type of energy which has been wasted until now .The device consists of a floating structure with a hole in it connecting the ocean through its lower side and the atmosphere through its upper side. The hole, filled with water (a.k.a. “moonpool”) can be excited in a vertical motion by the incoming waves. The floating structure, in turn, is also excited by the waves. A relative motion between them is thus generated, while electricity production is maximised. Wave energy conversion is carried through a specific type of water turbine, eg. Well’s or any other powertakeoff.



  • especially suitable for electricity supply in small islands, often suffering from resource scarcity;
  • particularly efficient to converse wave motion within wave climates with moderate energy content.



  • reduced dimensions comparing to similar devices;
  • low market saturation as it regards wave energy conversion in small seas
  • contribution to the fossils-free-future paradigm: affordable renewable energy;
  • higher efficiency due to the capacity to generate greater amount of energy from waves

The inventor will present the technology at RemTech Expo (Ferrara, 19-21 September 2018)

Page published on: 01 December 2017