76784 - History and Analysis of Mass Communication (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Mirco Dondi
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: M-STO/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

Aims of the course: the learner is able to analyze the language of several traditional mass media (newspapers, radio, movies, television) to digital ones. Moreover The student is able to grasp the relationship between journalistic communication and historical contexts.

Course contents

Prerequisite: knowledge of public debates and topical issues, interesting to understand, starting from the present, languages and ways in order to show news and contents.

The lessons will focus on the authors and key concepts related to the history of mass communications and on the forms of terrorism in the contemporary age seen as mechanisms of conditioning social and political life.

The course will have a laboratory trend and attending students will work on the development of analytical attitudes towards the media, with particular reference to literature as a form of communication. This theme is a gateway to the social history of knowledge that goes from entertainment to literature no - fiction that aims to present itself as a documentary work.


It is advisable to have theme basics already. It is recommended for both students and non-students, a preliminary reading: Marica Tolomelli, Sfera pubblica e comunicazioni di massa, Bologna, Archetipo libri, 2006. This book is not subject to examination, but provides many tools to understand the themes of the lessons and prepares to address the contents of the texts exam.

It is also suggested a knowledge, at least indicative, of leading scholars who have ventured on the themes of communication and the history of public opinion: Theodor Adorno, Pierre Bordieu, Manuel Castells, Umberto Eco, Siegfried Krakauer, Jurgen Habermas, Max Horkheimer, Peter Hugill, Harold Innis, Walter Lippmann, Niklas Luhmann, David Manning White, Marshall McLuhan, Elisabeth Noelle Neumann, Walter Ong, Peppino Ortoleva, Vance Packard.

There are two programs.

1) For not attending students the program consists of the following 4 books:

1) Benedetta Baldi (a cura di), Comunicare ad arte, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2020;

2) Comunicazione storica. Tecnologie Linguaggi e Culture (a cura di Mirco Dondi e Simona Salustri), Bologna, Biblioteca Clueb, 2021

3) Mirco Dondi, L’eco del boato. Storia della strategia della tensione 1965 - 1974, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2015.

4) Parole chiave per i media studies (a cura di Laurie Ouellette e Jonathan Gray), Roma, Minimum fax, 2018.



Attending students will write a paper, using the archives of Corriere della Sera (http://www2.sba.unibo.it/cgi-bin/bdati/banchedati.pl?type=sch&cod=1567691009=

and Repubblica (open access), choosing one of these paths:

Anno 2016

1) Trump - donne - sesso - soldi - amante - nozze - moglie;

2) Trump - Russia - Putin - politica estera;

3) Trump - nazionalismo - demagogia (America first - primatismo bianco) - razzismo - protezionismo - barriere economiche

4) Trump - social - twitter - facebook Tik tok - 5 g

5) Trump - oppositori (New York Times) tv (Cnn) - sostenitori (Fox tv) Trump - Italia - Berlusconi - Briatore - favorevoli - contrari

6) Trump vs Hilary Clinton

7) Brexit - laburisti - conservatori - Cameron - May - Johnson - Farage - propaganda - antieuropeismo

8) Brexit - Europa - Unione Europea - economia - borse - conseguenze - pace - Francia - Germania - Berlino Autority

9) Brexit Italia - italiani - studenti - migranti - italiani a Londra

10) Brexit - Obama - Trump - Stati Uniti - Special friendship

Anno 2019

11 - 12) (Per due studenti) Voci da suddividere: Elezioni europee - Italia - partiti - nazionalismi - sovranismi - Europa orientale - Viségrad - Francia - Le Pen - Germania - Partito popolare europeo - Partito socialista europeo - Orban - Afd, Alternativa per la Germania - euroscetticismo - migranti - Bce - investimenti - politiche sociali

Anno 2020

13) Trump - social - Tik tok

14) Trump - donne - moglie (Melania) - maschilismo /maschilista

15) Trump - Cina - Iran - Russia - Afghanistan - Unione europea

16) Trump - presidente di guerra - Unfit - trumpismo - Complottismo

17 ) Trump - polizia - ordine pubblico - black lives matter - George Floyd - Derek Chauvin

18) Trump - Biden

19) Brexit - uscita finale - Accordi - Ue - Boris Johnson

Anno 2021

19) Trump - Assalto al Campidoglio - complottismo - risultati elettorali - frodi -

Students will be able to use these scientifical reviews Il Mulino", "Comunicazione politica", "Problemi dell'informazione" to improve the interpretative level of their work.

Students will deliver their papers to the teacher by March 27, 2022. The essays must not exceed 25,000 characters of text spaces included. Appendix and notes are not included in this calculation.

The teacher will assess the admissibility of the work.

The theses as a whole will then be grouped into a single file, will be distributed to students and will form part of the exam program for attending

The attending students will support a written pre-appello, with 14 multiple choice questions, around the middle of May on the topics covered in class. Included are the essays that will be collected in a single file and distributed to students.

- Students who regularly attended courses and who submitted their papers by 27 March are considered to be attending them.

- The attendants will have a written pre-appello on 13 May 2022 (only for this test will not be needed the registration to Almaesami).

The test consists of 14 multiple choice questions and focuses on the topics covered in class and the file containing the essays.

Both for the paper and for the test is given the evaluation judgment of "qualification". The final numerical grade will be decided in the official exam on the basis of the two texts in the program (out of four) chosen by the students.


Assessment methods

Written exam for everyone.

Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons and made one of the required papers are considered to be attending.

Multiple choice questions are processed for each book in the program.


For example:

Quali caratteristiche presenta la televisione italiana delle origini? A) E' a colori; B) Si ispira alla BBC per quanto riguarda i principi base: intrattenere, informare, educare; C) I telegiornali sono trasmessi ogni due ore; D) E' sotto stretto controllo governativo


The evaluation starts from 30:

The first error is cleared, a point is removed from the second error.

If the student indicates, within a question, a number of answers lower than those expected, at the third answer omission the evaluation will be penalized by one point.

In any case, to pass the exam, it is necessary to answer correctly at least half of the questions for each text in the program.

Office hours

See the website of Mirco Dondi