Anno Accademico 2019/2020


Outline of the Course:

Seminar 1: An Introduction to the International Trading System: Law and


Seminar 2: Preferential Trade Agreements and the International Trading


Sem 3: Legal & Institutional Aspects of the WTO Part 1

Sem 4: Legal & Institutional Aspects of the WTO Part 2

Sem 5: Most Favoured Nation & National Treatment

Sem 6: Tariffs, Quotas, & General Exceptions

Sem 7: TBT/SPS Agreements

Sem 8: TBT/SPS Agreements

Sem 9: Subsidies

Sem 10: Subsidies/WTO Dispute Settlement

Sem 11: WTO Dispute Settlement

Sem 12: Investment Treaty Arbitration

Sem 13: Trade in Services


Peter Van den Bossche and Werner Zdouc, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization (4th ed., Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Matsushita, Schoenbaum, & Mavroidis, The World Trade Organization: Law, Practice, and Policy (3rd ed., Oxford, 2016) Lester, Mercurio & Davies, World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary (3rd ed., Bloomsbury 2018)

You should access the WTO case-law either by using the WTO web-page (www.wto.org) or by using the web-site (www.worldtradelaw.net ).

A great deal of material on the WTO is available on the WTO's website.

The GATT/WTO Texts and WTO cases indicated as part of the readings are all available from the WTO website. The WTO cases are also available at: http://www.worldtradelaw.net/

Metodi didattici

International Trade Law applies a ‘Flipped Class’ approach to the student learning experience. As such, this course features pre-class work and interactive workshops. Pre-class work is independent and includes textbook readings as well as reflective questionnaires. In the workshops, the emphasis is on inquiry-based learning, which involves active student participation in legal problem-solving activities within small groups. These activities build on the pre-class work, so its completion before each workshop is essential. Overall, this course requires you to build personal capabilities in professional behaviour, self-direction, team-work, persuasive discussion and presentation skills.

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

100% Coursework

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Peter Plamenoff Petkoff