Anno Accademico 2018/2019

  • Docente: Sofia Pescarin
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: INF/01
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Digital humanities and digital knowledge (cod. 9224)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

At the end of the course students are put in touch with the intangible cultural heritage mediated by computer science and expressed under the form of practices, representations and skills that the multimedia research community recognizes as part of its identity. Students are able to reflect upon and manipulate a variety of digital instruments, including objects, artifacts and cultural spaces, manifested through interactive multimedia signs and actions.


Il corso è diviso in quattro sezioni (A,B,C,D). Ogni sezione inizia con l'esplorazione di progetti interattivi e multimediali (1). Di ogni esempio viene svolta un'analisi (2), attraverso la quale gli studenti scomporranno in singoli elementi, per comprenderne le parti costitutive, gli approcci e gli strumenti. Viene poi svolto un approfondimento su tipi di file, formati, codifica, software e hardware (3) necessari per realizzare un progetto interattivo e infine agli studenti viene chiesto di svolgere autonomamente un progetto (4). Durante questo processo gli studenti amplieranno il proprio vocabolario, imparando i principi delle immagini digitali, GIS e telerilevamento, video e audio, 3d, games, Realtà Virtuale ed Aumentata e Smart Objects, affrontandoli dal punto di vista del Designer:

  1. Embodiment. This chapter deals with digital immersive experiences, engagement, narrative and projections, images, audio and videos, with a specific focus on intangible heritage (such as traditions or lost/unaccessible heritage), and art & creativity in immersive digital environments.
  2. Landscape. This chapter deals with geo-spatial digital scenarios, with simulation and lost landscapes, but also with impossible perspectives. It has a special focus on GIS, vector, raster, 3d territories and web3d.
  3. Cognition. During these lectures, students will learn about interactivity and 3d models, and how to align digital interactive applications with cognitive experiences. A special focus will be on applied games and built heritage.
  4. Design. The last part of the course will treat co-design of multimedia application. The focus will be on digital collections.


Ansel A., The Camera, Little Brown and Company New York, pp. 44-93

Kenderdine S., Embodied Museography, in “The digital in Cultural Spaces [https://roots.sg/~/media/Roots/Images/resources/publications/cultural-academy/the-digital-in-cultural-spaces-publication.pdf?la=en] ”, 2016, pp. 24-43

Jarold J., The VR book. Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, ACM books, 2016, parts I, II, IV, V, VI

Preece J.,Sharp H.,Rogers Y., Interaction Design – beyond human-computer interaction, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2015. (or new edition 2019)

Remondino F., El-Hakim S. (2006): [http://3dom.fbk.eu/sites/3dom.fbk.eu/files/pdf/remondino_elhakim_phorec06.pdf] . Photogrammetric Record, 21(115), pp. 269-291

Scopigno R., Cignoni P. et al. (2017), [http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2017/SCPCD17/DigitalFabricationForCH.pdf], Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 36, Number 1, page 6-21 - Jan. 2017

Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu., Fundamentals of multimedia, 2. ed Cham: Springer, 2014, pp. 3-23, 57-77, 81-85, 99-103, 115-135, 139-175

Notes from the lectures

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Sofia Pescarin