78943 - Histology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5908)

Learning outcomes

Describe the structure and functional organization of tissues at a cellular and subcellular level.

Course contents

Introduction of the course

Optical and Electronic Microscopy

Type of Histological Staining

Embrylogy and differentiation, cytological features and morpho-functional characteristics of the cells.

Cytoskeleton structure and organization, Extracellular matrix properties (ECM)

Epithelial tissue: Structure, functions, classification and distribution. Epidermis

Glandular epithelium: Characteristics of secreting cells. General concepts of exocrine, endocrine, autocrine and paracrine secretion. Types of hormones.

Exocrine glandular epithelium: Classification, structural organization, distribution and function of exocrine glands (parenchyma and stroma). Unicellular and multicellular glands. Classification based on location and form of adenomers.

Endocrine glandular epithelium: Classification, structural organization, distribution and functions of Endocrine Glands

Connective tissue: Embryonic derivation, organization, structural and functional characteristics. Extracellular matrix, proteoglycans and glycoproteins. Fibrillary component: collagen and elastic fibers. Organization and composition of the basal membrane. Intrinsic and extrinsic connective cellular component: fibroblasts, pericytes, endothelial cells, macrophages, mast cells, plasmacellules and adipocytes.

Connective tissue proper: Classification. Mucous, fibrillar, reticular and dense tissue. Connettive dense tissue.

Adipose tissue. White fat cells (unilocular) and brown fat cells (Multilocular).

Blood Tissue. Function and composition of the blood. Plasma and figurative elements (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Coagulation

Support connective tissue: Structure, distribution, function and classification. Hyaline, fibrous, elastic and articular cartilage. Calcification of cartilage. Mechanisms of the chondrogenesis and role of cartilage patterns of bone skeletal segments.

Bone tissue: Mechanisms of osteogenesis (primitive and secondary). General organization. Flat, short and long bones. Lamellar and non lamellar bone tissue. Compact and spongy bone tissue. Role of different cellular elements (osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts). Periosteum and Endosteum. Bone matrix. Direct and indirect ossification. Bone turnover. Mineralization of osteoid (molecular and cellular mechanisms).

Muscle tissue: Classification, distribution, structural and functional characteristics. Characteristics and classification of contractile cells.

Smooth muscular tissue: Morphological and functional aspects of smooth muscle cells and its mechanism and contraction function.

Striated muscular tissue (skeletal and cardiac): Shape, size and structure of skeletal streaked fibrocells: myofibratic structure, muscle-dependent proteins, and contraction mechanism. Role of sarcolemma, sarcoplasma and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Myocardial size and structure

Nervous tissue: Structural and functional organization of the nervous tissue. Structural organization of neuronal and glial cells in central and peripheral nervous tissue. Neurons: shapes, size and structure. The nerve fibers. Structure of myelin and sheath. The structure and function of the synapses. Glia: morphology and functions. Mechanisms of the onset and transmission of the nervous impulse.


• JUNQUEIRA Istologia Piccin

• ADAMO S. ed altri autori "Elementi di Istologia" Piccin

· Istologia per le lauree triennali e magistrali, Idelson Gnocchi

Teaching methods

Frontal Lessons.

All the materials will be provided on-line (ppt presentation)

Assessment methods

The students will be evaluated by a written exam, with multiple choice tests of total 31 questions. Each question has score=1.Wrong answers or missing answers will score as 0.

The final mark is given by the arithmetic sum of the scores from each answered question. 

The minimum score is 18.

The final score will be a "weighted average mark"  with Anantomy score.

Below the applied formula

[(Histology *2)+(Anatomy*4)]/6= Final score

Office hours

See the website of Donatella Romaniello