- Docente: Alice Lomonaco
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Social Work (cod. 8040)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)
from Sep 20, 2023 to Nov 29, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, students have a critical and up-to-date knowledge of social work with migrants; as well as a knowledge of the responses deployed by social work services.
Course contents
Based on the experience acquired by and by social workers who work with migrant users on a daily basis, the course provides for a series of eight seminar meetings aimed at investigating the specific nature of social work with migrants, their access to services and the social intervention practices implemented. Assuming that social work with foreigners questions the profession of social worker in various respects, the Workshop intends to investigate the different areas of intervention by analysing the main profiles within the foreign population that has a relationship with social services, starting from the knowledge and skills of those who have been working in this professional field for years.
At the beginning of the first semester, the final schedule of the seminars and their contents, the procedures for the final exam and any other information useful for attending the training activity will be communicated.
E. Barberis, P. Boccagni, Il lavoro sociale con le persone immigrate, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2017
It is also proposed that students read a selection of their choice of the following articles:
Tognetti Bordogna, M. (2012). Accesso ai serivizi sanitari e costruzione della cittadinanza dei migranti. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 35(1), 111-124.
Ferretti, D. (2017). Il welfare locale alla prova delle migrazioni. Un'analisi dei progetti Sprar nelle città medie italiane. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 40(1), 95-108.
Accorinti, M. (2021). L’immigrazione e la necessità di trasformare il welfare State. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 44(1), 87-93.
Falcone, F. (2021). «Qui abbiamo sempre fatto così». Le incertezze organizzative nei servizi per migranti: spunti per una formazione permanente per gli operatori sociali. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 44(2), 393-415.
Di Rosa, R. T., & Tumminelli, G. (2022). Vulnerabilità sociali e diseguaglianze digitali post pandemia: l’inclusione trascurata dei migranti. Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 45(3), 459-474.
Valtonen, K. (2001). Social work with immigrants and refugees: Developing a participation‐based framework for anti‐oppressive practice. British Journal of social work, 31(6), 955-960.
Vitiello, M. (2020). Le politiche di integrazione ei servizi sociali per gli immigrati. Parolechiave, 28(2), 213-225.
Accorinti, M., & Spinelli, E. (2019). L’attività degli operatori sociali tra aiuto e controllo nel nuovo sistema di accoglienza. La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2, 103-120.
Popescu, M., & Libal, K. (2018). Social work with migrants and refugees: Challenges, best practices, and future directions. Advances in Social Work, 18(3), i-x.
TOMASI, M. R. M. (2020). La legge regionale tra integrazione dei cittadini stranieri e “frantumazione” dei diritti sociali.
Accorinti, M., & Spinelli, E. (2014, September). La società decente: l’accesso ai servizi sociali degli immigrati residenti a Roma. In paper presentato alla VII Conferenza Espanet Italia (pp. 18-20).
Nash, M., Wong, J., & Trlin, A. (2006). Civic and social integration: A new field of social work practice with immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. International Social Work, 49(3), 345-363.
Fascicolo 12/2023 di Sestante scaricabile al seguente link https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/salute-mentale/documentazione/la-rivista-sestante/i-numeri-pubblicati-dal-2015/costruire-la-salute-per-con-i-migranti-servizi-sanitari-e-socio-sanitari-in-un-welfare-di-comunita
Teaching methods
Seminar activities and work groups
Assessment methods
Credits are recognised where the following conditions are satisfied
- attendance of at least 5/7 seminar meetings
- final examination (the modalities will be communicated at the beginning of the Workshop)
Teaching tools
Slides and other materials provided on IOL
Office hours
See the website of Alice Lomonaco