75938 - Psychology and Storytelling (1) (M-Z)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students know the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of narrative in interaction.

Course contents

Storytelling is ubiquitous in everyday life, occurring both in ordinary and institutional interactions.

This module is devoted to the study of storytelling as an interactional accomplishment. Although storytelling is a specific mode of constructing and organizing meaning, stories can be told with very different formats and motivations.

During the course, instances of storytelling from family and peer conversations, as well as from institutional settings, are analysed, focusing on the structures used by the participants and the communicative effects that are achieved.

The lectures and classroom exercises are meant to enable students to familiarise with theoretical and methodological approaches to narrative and storytelling and to develop specific analytical skills for the analysis of real-life storytelling.


Cultural psychology

Narrative and identity

Narrative and credibility

Narrative and the construction of reality

Storytelling in ordinary interaction

Storytelling in institutional contexts


The list below may change. Updated information will be provided during the course.

Bruner, J. (1992) La ricerca del significato. Per una psicologia culturale. Bollati Boringhieri. [original work titled Acts of meaning. Four lectures on mind and culture]

Capps, L. & Ochs, E. (trad. Ita. 2006) "Fuori luogo. Uno sguardo narrativo sull'agorafobia", in A. Fasulo & L. Sterponi (a cura di) Linguaggio e cultura, Carocci, pagg. 249-284.

Galatolo, R. (2004) "La narrazione nella conversazione. Dimostrare l’ascolto e la comprensione", in Lorenzetti e Stame (a cura di) Narrazione e Identità. Laterza.

Galatolo, R. (2007) "Agentività, colpa e responsabilità. Forme di mitigazione dell’agentività nelle testimonianze in tribunale", in A. Donzelli e A. Fasulo (a cura di) Agency e linguaggio. Meltemi.

Ochs, E. e Taylor, C. (trad. Ita. 2006) "La narrazione familiare come attività politica", in A. Fasulo & L. Sterponi (a cura di) Linguaggio e cultura, Carocci, pagg. 177-224.

Teaching methods

Lectures, collective analysis in the classroom, group work.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists in a multiple choice test for both the I and II modules (Psychology and storytelling & Interpersonal communication techniques).

Erasmus students and Italian as a second language speakers may take the exam in oral form.

Office hours

See the website of Monica Simone


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.