06938 - History of Modern Music

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Cultural Heritage (cod. 9076)

Learning outcomes

The course gives an overview of the music production from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century and of the works and repertories of this period. The student, at the end of the course, is able to understand the historical dynamics, to read some fundamental scores of the period and to identify, through guided listening, the morphological aspects of a musical work.

Course contents

1. Institutional course: general outline of the history of music from sixteenth to early nineteenth century.

2. Monographic course: La donna del lago by A. L. Tottola e G. Rossini.


- M. Carrozzo - C. Cimagalli, Storia della musica occidentale, vol. II: Dal barocco al classicismo viennese, Roma, Armando, 1999;

- libretto: La donna del lago, Napoli, Flautina, 1819;

- F. D'Amico, Il teatro di Rossini, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1992, pp. 19-56, 123-170.

- G. Pagannone, Il duetto nell'opera dell'Ottocento: forma e dramma [http://musicadocta.unibo.it/article/download/3227/2612], in "Musica Docta. Rivista digitale di pedagogia e Didattica della Musica", II, 2012, pp. 55-68.

- L. Bianconi - G. Pagannone, Piccolo glossario di drammaturgia musicale, in Insegnare il melodramma. Saperi essenzali, proposte didattiche, a cura di Giorgio Paganone, Lecce-Iseo, Pensa MultiMedia, 2010 (ISBN 978-88-8232-806-1), pp. 201-263.

The bibliography is the same for attending and non-attending students. Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher to receive instructions on exam preparation.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises with listening and comment of musical works.

Assessment methods

The exam will be in the form of an interview and aims to verify : the knowledge of the general framework of the history of music from sixteenth to early nineteenth century; the overall knowledge of the figure of Gioachino Rossini; the in depth knowledge of the opera La donna del lago: analytical reading of the libretto (metrical, poetical, narrative, theatrical structure) and the listening of the complete work.

In evaluating the exam, in particular, the student's ability to know how to orient himself within the sources and bibliographic material for the exam will be taken into account in order to obtain useful information that will allow him to illustrate themes and problems and to know how to connect their. The following will then be assessed: - The mastery of the contents - The ability to synthesize and analyze themes and concepts - The ability to be able to express oneself adequately and with language appropriate to the subject being dealt with. The achievement by the student of an organic vision of the topics addressed in class together with their critical use, a good command of expression and specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence. A mnemonic knowledge of the subject, together with synthesis and analysis skills articulated in a correct but not always appropriate language, will lead to discrete evaluations. Training gaps and / or inappropriate language - albeit in a context of minimal knowledge of the exam material - will lead to grades that will not exceed sufficiency. Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials offered during the course will be negatively evaluated.

Teaching tools

Audio CDs and DVDs available at the Campus Library

Office hours

See the website of Angelo Pompilio


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.