90669 - Dialogical Interpretation Between Chinese And Italian I (Second Language)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Yan Wen
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-OR/21
  • Language: Chinese
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic strategies of language mediation and will be able to use them in basic communication situations.

Course contents

The Dialogic Interpretation II course will consolidate the knowledge of the Chinese language and culture and the improve the communicative competence, so that the students are able to deal with different situations of conversation and mediation between Italian and Chinese of medio level. 20 hours of lecture is part of the course. The topics of the lettorato will be closely connected to those covered in this module.


Mandatory texts

Federico Masini, Chiara Romagnoli, Zhang Tongbing, Chang Yafang, Comunicare in cinese, Vol. 1, Milano, Hoepli, 2021.

Recommended dictionaries and grammar books

Paternicò L.M., Varriano V., Tian H., Grammatica della lingua cinese, Torino, UTET 2021.

Romagnoli C., Grammatica cinese, Hoepli, 2012.

Casacchia G., Bai Yukun, Dizionario cinese - italiano, Cafoscarina, 2013.

Zhao Xiuying, Il Dizionario di cinese. Dizionario cinese - italiano italiano - cinese, Zanichelli, 2013.

Teaching methods

While frontal lessons will be preferred for grammar explanations, a communicative approach will be mainly adopted for the development of the required communicative skills. Students will be required to actively participate in class, individual, pair and small group activities. Students will also have to regularly deliver exercises to the teacher, which will be corrected and returned weekly. The lessons of the course require the student to attend 70%.

Assessment methods

The grade for the written exam is out of thirty.

The written exam consists of three parts:

A. Translate five sentences from Chinese to Italian. (10 points)

B. Complete a text in Chinese with the given words. (10 points)

C. Write a coherent text of at least 100 characters using the assigned words. The title of the composition is given at the beginning of the exam. (10 points)

The written exam is considered passed if the minimum score of 18/30 is achieved.

The written exam lasts 120 minutes.

Oral Exam

For the oral exam, the student must, on one hand, read, translate, and analyze syntactically and lexically one of the texts proposed in the book. On the other hand, they will engage in a brief conversation in Chinese on topics and vocabulary covered in class.

Teaching tools

Photocopied, video and audio material provided in class during the course.

Office hours

See the website of Yan Wen