31841 - Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (cod. 9247)

Learning outcomes

Obiettivo del corso è quello di fornire gli strumenti necessari ad intraprendere unanalisi critica degli snodi storici e delle problematiche politiche legate al processo di costruzione dello stato-nazione in Africa nella fase postcoloniale. Al termine del corso lo studente è in grado di analizzare le cause dei conflitti armati unitamente agli effetti dell'applicazione dei programmi di lotta alla povertà e dei modelli di trasformazione della governance in Africa.

Course contents

Si consiglia la lettura preliminare del testo: F. Cooper, Africa contemporanea, Roma, Carocci, 2021.

1, 2 e 3) Formazione e crisi dello stato

Letture per tutti :

A. Pallotti, Alla ricerca della democrazia. L'Africa sub-sahariana tra autoritarismo e sviluppo, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013 (capitoli: 1, 2, 6, 7).

A. Pallotti, M. Zamponi, Le parole dello sviluppo. Metodi e politiche della cooperazione internazionale, Roma, Carrocci (capitoli: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8).

4) Società civile, ong, governance

Letture per presentazioni:

1) J. Hearn, African NGOs: The New Compradors?, in Development & Change, n. 6, vol. 38, 2007 + F. Manji & C. O'Coill, The Missionary Position: NGOs and Development in Africa, in International Affairs, n. 3, vol. 78, 2002.

2) M. Bratton & C. Logan, Voters but not Citizens: Democratization and Development Aid, in R. Joseph & A. Gillies (eds), Smart Aid for African Development, Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2009 + P. Lewis, Growth without Prosperity in Africa, in Journal of Democracy, n. 4, vol. 19, 2008.

3) D. Bach, Patrimonialism and neopatrimonialism: comparative trajectories and readings, in Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, vol. 49, n. 3, 2011; M. Gazibo, Can neopatrimonialism dissolve into democracy?, in D. Bach, M. Gazibo (eds), Neopatrimonialism in Africa and beyond, New York, Routledge, 2012.

4) McEwan, C., Mawdsley, E., Banks, G. and Scheyvens, R., Enrolling the Private Sector in Community Development: Magic Bullet or Sleight of Hand?. Development and Change, vol. 48, n. 1, 2017.

5) Il decentramento

Letture per tutti :

1) D. Olowu, Local Governance, Democracy and Development, in R. Joseph (ed), State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, 1999.

2) M. Ndulo, Decentralisation: Challenges of Inclusion and Equity in Governance, in M. Ndulo (ed), Democratic Reform in Africa. Its Impact on Governance and Poverty Alleviation, London, James Currey, 2006.

6) Decentramento: i casi nazionali

Letture per presentazioni:

1) S. Kilonzo et Al., Improving Access to Maternal Health Care through Devolution in Western Kenya, in IDS Bulletin, vol. 48, n. 2, 2017.

2) E. Maractho, Local government and primary education in Uganda, in IDS Bulletin, vol. 48, n. 2, 2017.

3) O'Meally, S., The Contradictions of Pro-poor Participation and Empowerment: The World Bank in East Africa. Development and Change, vol. 45, n. 6, 2014.

7) La questione della terra

Letture per tutti :

1) S. Berry, Debating the Land Question in Africa, in Comparative Studies in Society and Histor, vol. 44, n. 4, 2002.

2) P. Woodhouse & A. Chimhowu, Customary vs Private Property Rights? Dynamics and Trajectories of Vernacular Land Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Journal of Agrarian Change, n. 3, vol. 6, 2006.

8) Terra: il dibattito

Letture per presentazioni:

1) P. Peters, Land Appropriation, Surplus People and a Battle over Visions of Agrarian Futures in Africa, in «Journal of Peasant Studies », vol. 40, n. 3, 2013, pp. 537-562.

2) L. Alden Wily, Reconstructing the African Commons, Africa Today, n. 1, vol. 48, 2001

3) Lavers, T., Land Registration and Gender Equality in Ethiopia: How State–Society Relations Influence the Enforcement of Institutional Change. Journal of Agrarian Change, vol. 17, n. 1, 2017.

9 e 10) Africa australe: democrazia, terra e lotta alla povertà

Letture per tutti :

1) J. Saul, The Strange Death of Liberated Southern Africa, Transformation, n. 64, 2007.

2) R. Southall, Threats to Constitutionalism by Liberation Movements in Southern Africa, in Afrika Spectrum, vol. 49, n. 1, 2014.

11) Il Sudafrica: democrazia, povertà, sviluppo

Letture per presentazioni :

1) B. Freund, Post-apartheid South Africa under ANC rule, in Transformation, n.89, 2015, pp. 50-75. 917028

2) R. Hall, Who, what, where, how, why? The many disagreements about land redistribution in South Africa, in C. Walker, B. Cousins (eds), Land Divided, Land Restored, Auckland Park, Jacana, 127-144.

3) C. Walker, Sketch Map to the Future: Restitution Unbound, in C. Walker, B. Cousins (eds), Land Divided, Land Restored, Auckland Park, Jacana, 232-249.

12) Mozambico, Namibia: democrazia, povertà, sviluppo

Letture per presentazioni:

1) A.M. Gentili, Democracy and Citizenship in Mozambique, in A. Triulzi & M. C. Ercolessi, State, Power and New Political Actors in Postcolonial Africa, Annali della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2004.

2) Morier-Genoud E., 2020. The jihadi insurgency in Mozambique: origins, nature and beginning, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 14(3).

3) H. Melber, Post-liberation Democratic. Authoritarianism: The Case of. Namibia, in Politikon, vol. 42, n. 1, 2015.

13 e 14) La crisi dello Zimbabwe

Letture per tutti:

1) B. Raftopoulos, The Crisis in Zimbabwe 1998-2008, in B. Raftopoulos, Alois Mlambo (eds), Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-Colonial Period to 2008, Weaver Press, Harare, 2009, pp.201-232.

2) S. Moyo, Three decades of agrarian reform in Zimbabwe, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol 38, n. 3, 2011.

Letture per presentazioni:

1) R. Southall, Bond notes, borrowing, and heading for bust: Zimbabwe’s persistent crisis, in Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 51, n. 3, 2017, 389-405.

2) I. Scoones, Zimbabwe's land reform: new political dynamics in the countryside, in Review of African Political Economy, vol. 42, n. 144, 2015, 190-205.

15) La lotta al terrorismo in Africa

Letture per tutti:

H. Solomon, Critical Terrorism Studies and Its Implications for Africa, in Politikon, vol. 42, n. 2, 2015.

Letture per presentazioni:

1) D. Anderson, J. McKnigh, Kenya at war: Al-Shabaab and its enemies in Eastern Africa, in African Affairs, vol. 114, n. 454, 2015.

2) W. Iyekekpolo, Boko Haram: Understanding the context, in Third World Quarterly, vol. 37, n. 12, 2016.

16) I conflitti armati

Letture per tutti:

1) A.M. Gentili, Ethnicity and Citizenship in Sub Saharan Africa, in P. Chabal, U. Engel & AM Gentili (eds), Is Violence Inevitable in Africa?, Leiden, Brill, 2005.

17) Mali

Letture per presentazioni:

1) Bergamaschi, I., The Fall of a Donor Darling: The Role of Aid in Mali's Crisis, in Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 52, n. 3, 2014,pp. 347-378

2) R. Marchal, Military (Mis)Adventures in Mali, in African Affairs, vol. 112, n. 448, 2013, pp. 486-497; B. Charbonneau, Intervention in Mali: building peace between peacekeeping and counterterrorism, in Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 35, n. 4, 2017, 415-431.

18) Repubblica Centrafricana

Letture per presentazioni:

Marchal R., 2005. Being Rich, Being Poor: Wealth and Fear in the Central African Republic (Carayannis T., Lombard L. eds.), Making Sense of the Central African Republic. London: Zed Books + Vlavonou G., Collins L., A Minority in Conflict: Muslim Communities, State Interaction, and Patterns of Exclusion in the Central African Republic, Islamic Africa 12(2)2021.

19) Etiopia

Letture per presentazioni:

1) Fisher J., Tsehaye Gebrewahd M. 2019. ‘Game over’? Abiy Ahmed, the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front and Ethiopia’s Political Crisis, African Affairs, 118(470).

2) Labzaé M., Planel S., 2021. La République fédérale démocratique en guerre. Mobilisations nationalistes, ordre martial et renouveaux partisans en Éthiopie, Politique Africaine, n. 164, (https://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-africaine-2021-4-page-141.htm).

20) Somalia

Letture per presentazioni:

Menkhaus K., 2009. Somalia: ‘They Created a Desert and Called it Peace(building), Review of African Political Economy, 36(120) + Fisher J., AMISOM and the Regional Construction of a Failed State in Somalia, African Affairs, 118(471)2019.

Teaching methods

Seminari del docente e presentazioni degli studenti.

Assessment methods

Il voto finale (30/30) è la somma di: paper (max 6.000 parole) su uno dei temi affrontati a lezione (e diverso da quello della presentazione) (max 10/30) e colloquio orale finale, che verterà (solo) sulle letture obbligatorie per tutti (max 20/30).

Il paper va inviato via mail al docente 6 giorni lavorativi prima della data in cui si intende sostenere l'esame.

Durante il corso agli studenti sarà anche chiesto di fare una presentazione in classe su una lettura a loro scelta tra le "letture per presentazioni" elencate sopra.

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Arrigo Pallotti


No poverty Reduced inequalities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.