- Docente: Marco Maglionico
- Credits: 6
- SSD: ICAR/02
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Civil Engineering (cod. 8895)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have knowledge on technical solutions and their design in the context of circular water resources management. In particular, the student will focus on: 1. The concept of circular water resources management; 2. Climate in the 21st century: review of climate change impacts on water resources; 3. Estimation of design storm in urban areas under climate change and non-stationarity; 4. Decision theory for circular water resources management; 5. Best management practices (BMP) for drainage management; 6. Cost-benefit analysis for BMPs; 7. Surface and groundwater quality; 8. The target of 100% water recycling and implications on C02 emissions.
Course contents
Water management in urban areas. Introduction to climate changes and its impact on water resources. Overview of urban drainage systems.
Design of sewer systems
Wastewater flow analysis. Statistical analysis of rainfall observation. IDF curves. Design storm. Stormwater flow analysis: Rational method. Design of drainage systems: pipelines cross-sections and materials, flow velocity bounds. Manholes. Gully pots. Combined sewer overflows.
Storage systems
Water quantity and quality problems in urban areas respect to the receiving water bodies and groundwater. Detention and retention ponds and first flush tanks.
Green Infrastructures
Innovative approaches to urban stormwater management. Definition of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS). Permeable pavements. Infiltration trenches. Green Roofs. Rain Garden. Bioretention Cells. Vegetative Swales. Cost-benefit analysis.
Sewer inside buildings. Design of systems for rainfall harvesting.
Drainage of roads, railways and airports
Description and schemes of stormwater management in roads, railways and airports. Design of culverts.
Numerical Modelling of urban drainage systems and open channels
The EPA-SWMM software for the analysis and design of sewer systems, storage tanks, first foul tanks and pumping stations with synthetic and real rainfalls.
The HEC-RAS software for the analysis and design of culverts, open channels and detention ponds in steady and unsteady flow conditions.
Water and circular economy
Relationship between circular economy principles and water management. Ecosystem services. Water recycling and implications on C02 emissions. Introduction to the Life-cycle assessment.
Handouts on the topics covered in the course, lecture slides, assignments and exercises and their draft solutions published in “https://virtuale.unibo.it/” for registered students.
Teaching methods
The course is taught through lectures. Part of them are dedicated to the solution of practical problems, that are developed at the computer.
Assessment methods
The preparation of the student will be assessed through an oral colloquium whose duration is about 30 minutes. The student may present at the exam a brief report of the exercises that were developed during the course. Students are asked to reply to 3-4 questions focusing on the topics that were treated during the lectures. Students may be asked to solve a short exercise. The exam is passed if the student proves to be prepared on the theoretical principles and analytical derivations that were taught during the lectures.
Teaching tools
Lectures, tutorials, expert seminars and laboratory and technical visits. In-class exercises including spreadsheets/computer programming and use of specific software (SWMM and HEC-RAS).
Office hours
See the website of Marco Maglionico
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.