- Docente: Roberto Manfredi
- Credits: 4
- SSD: MED/17
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in School of Dentistry (cod. 8204)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course,the students will be introduced to the main, essential knowledge to help identify the etiology, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostic pathways, and therapeutic and prophylaxis guidelines of the main Infectious Diseases, with special attention focused on those of Dentistry and Stomatology interest. In particular, the participants will be addressed to front the differential diagnosis of the most common diseases with an infectious etiology, focusing on those of Stomatological and Dentistry interest, or those with clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic features which involve in some degree the Dentistry specialty on the whole; the students will be able to recognized the most common Infectious Diseases, and outline their management and treatment; finally, the students will be addressed totake into account ofthe Stomatologic-Dentistryprofessional risk, and will have practical knowledgeof the guidelinesof occupational prophylaxis in this field.
Course contents
General principles of Infectious Diseases
Antimicrobial chemotherapy; antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis in Stomatology and Dentistry
Infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Interstitial andalveolar pneumonia, influenza, legionellosis, nosocomial pneumonia, pneumonia of the immunocompromised host. Main features of tuberculosis
Infections and toxin-mediated diseasesof the gastro-intestinal tract; toxin-mediated disease caused by Staphylococci, Echerichia coli,other bacteria; salmonellosis,typhoid fever, cholera, shigellosis, botulism
Central nervous system infections: meningitit, meningoencephalitis,brain abscess(of bacterial and fungal origin)
Sepsis, septic shock, meningococcemia
Tick-borneinfections: Lyme disease, rickettsiosis
HIV infection and AIDS: basic virologyand immunology, epidemiology, clinical features, stomatological complications and head and neck disorders, principles di antiretroviral therapy, prevention guidelines
General features oninfectionsin the immunocompromised host
General principles of exhanthematic diseases: measles, rubella, varicella, herpes zoster, scarlet fever, megaloeritema infettivo, esantema critico; available vaccines
Other viral infections of Stomatological interest: infectious mononucleosis, herpes simplex virus infection, Cytomegalovirus infection, mumps
Infectious endocarditis: etiology, clinical features,principles of diagmosis, management, and prevention
Viral hepatitis:hepatitis due toHAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV,other liver-tropic viruses; available vaccines
Infections in Stomatology and Dentistry: professional risk and guidelines of occupational prophylaxis
L. Calza, Principi di Malattie Infettive, 5th Edition, Esculapio, Bologna, 2022
M. Moroni, R. Esposito, F. De Lalla, Manuale di Malattie Infettive, 6a Edizione, Masson, Milano, 2003
All updated textbooks of Internal Medicine (i.e. Harrison's) are appropriate, with special reference to the Chapter regarding Infectious Diseases (usually viral hepatitis is treated in the Gastroenterology sections)
Teaching methods
The lessons will be an opportunity to discuss and develop the subjects incuded in the program of the official Course, leaving time to comments and an interactive discussion regarding all presented subjects
Assessment methods
Examination test, to besustainedconcurrentlywith the subjects belonging to the specific "Corso Integrato" (i.e. Hygiene,Infectious, Skin, and Venereal Diseases)
Teaching tools
Frontal lessonwill beconducted in a lecture hallwhere multimedia instruments are available,with the predominantsupport of PowerPoint slides
Office hours
See the website of Roberto Manfredi
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.