72190 - Logopedic Rehabilitation after Oral and Laryngeal Demolitive Surgery

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Speech and Language Therapy (cod. 8478)

Learning outcomes

This curriculum aims to integrate knowledge and skills rehabilitation
The student will be able to recognize the signs of dysphagia related to surgery and decide for themselves what type of maneuvers swallowing, dietary choices, propose supplementary exams.

Course contents

Objective/content n. 1: to "learn" the rehabilitation and management of the oncological user, in a speech therapy, which includes the treatment of swallowing and voice;

Objective/content n. 2: integrate rehabilitation knowledge and skills in a multidisciplinary and professional integration perspective:

To learn the rehabilitation techniques of the oncological dysphagic patient.

Learn the rehabilitation techniques of the oncological dysphonic patient.

General notions on pharyngeal neoplasms, larynx, oral cavity, thyroid and flap reconstruction

Practical exercises focused on voice and swallowing rehabilitation.

The class group as well as future professionals must be able to recognize the signs of dysphagia and dysphonia related to surgery and decide independently what type of proceedings/postures swallowing implement and what dietary choices and integrative examinations to be able to propose.

The class group as well as future professionals will have to learn how to implement and draw up logopedic reports and plan an appropriate and logical rehabilitative treatment plan, without neglecting the personal history and the biography of the user and the family unit.


Deglutologia II^ edizione, Omega Edizioni anno 2011 di Schindler O,
Ruoppolo, Schindler A.

Linee guida AIOCC 2017 – www.aiocc.it

Logopedia e disfagia : dalla teoria alla pratica clinica a cura di
S.Raimondo, A.Accornero e T.Rossetto – Carrocci Faber - anno 2011

Teaching methods

Lessons through online teaching as per the latest ordinance dated 13/11/2020.

Clinical case presentations.

Videos and practical exercises in the form of solving a clinical case and its therapeutic-rehabilitative planning.

Knowing how to read and interpret oncological diagnoses of the head and neck area.

Assessment methods

The modality of the learning test will be discussed with the class group, whether to perform it in written and / or oral form.

N.B. : on the occasion of the first day of class, a pre-test will be carried out to verify the basic knowledge of the students and subsequently design an educational program suited to their knowledge, as personalized as possible and which tends to implement their knowledge useful for carrying out the profession; together with a confrontation with the teacher Dr. Lucia Montano who teaches "the rehabilitation of dysphagia patients".

Teaching tools

Slides, scientific articles, practical mini-workshops, filmed visits and film frames related to the subject taught.



Office hours

See the website of Patrizia Bezzi