02971 - Prosthodontics

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Leonardo Ciocca (Modulo 1) Leonardo Ciocca (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in School of Dentistry (cod. 8204)

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to recognize the clinical signs of oral pathologies, to produce a diagnosis and the relative treatment planning for the prosthetic rehabilitation. He will also be able to perform the provisional and definitive treatment planning, to rehabilitate the masticatory function. In particular, the student will know the normal anatomy of the TMJ, the princeps of teeth preparations, the materials to use for provisional and definitive restorations, the diverse phases of technical work, the steps of consecutive checks of the prosthetic manufacture, the provisional and definitive cementation steps, and the maintenance care during the follow-up of the prosthetic restoration. 

Course contents

Anatomy of the oral cavity: TMJ, masticatory muscles, dental elements. Mandibular dynamic movements and their determinants. Maximal and functional movements in the x,y,z planes at dental and condylar level.

Articulators and facial bows: general features. Anatomical and functional consequences of the edentulism: aims and scopes of complete denture treatment; topographic anatomy and the visit of edentulous patient; prosthetic pre-treatments and conditioning of the supporting osseo-mucosal tissues; the impression of the edentulous patient: theory and technique of mucostatic (dynamical and functional) impression technique, with dynamic impression technique of frenuli. impression boxing and stone models, construction of wax rim. Vertical Dimension of Occlusion and Free way space: theory and practical procedures; inter-maxillary horizontal records; wax rims adaptation and the therapeutic position at rest.




Scotti R., D'Elia A. Corso propedeutico proclitico di protesi totale. Syllabus Addendum. Ed CLUEB, Bologna

Ciocca L., Scotti R. Riabilitazione protesica Maxillo-Facciale. Ed BONOMO, Bologna

Ciocca L., Scotti R. Lezioni di Protesi Maxillo-Facciale. Syllabus addendum. Ed. BONOMO, Bologna

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons; hands-on analysis of dental stone models for partial removable denture using the parallelometer and oral presentation and discussion of personal diagnosis.

Assessment methods

Final oral examination.

Teaching tools

Parallelometer and stone models for the elaboration of a partial removable denture.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Leonardo Ciocca