35597 - Semeiotics and Internal Medicine of Large Animal

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Moduli: Arcangelo Gentile (Modulo 1) Marilena Bolcato (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to interpret the symptoms related to the pathologies of the different organs and to know the etiology, the pathogenesis and the symptomatological framework of the main medical conditions that most frequently affect livestock, especially cattle.

In particular:

a) Knowledge and understanding:

At the end of the module the student knows the critical tools to deal with a clinical case involving a patient (especially of bovine species), integrating the data of direct semiology with the information deriving from the knowledge of medical pathology.

b) Independent judgment:

Through the integration of the interpretation of clinical findings and the etiopathogenesis of the main diseases of farm animals, the student is able to acquire diagnostic skills.

C) Communication skills:

At the end of the course, the student is able to record and report correctly the main symptoms related to diseases of farm animals.

d) Ability to learn:

Starting from the recognition of the findings, the student is able to identify and independently study the main diseases of the farm animals and finally to communicate/present them correctly, eventually using the complementary resources available in the faculty (Library, Veterinary Teaching Portal, web search).

Course contents

The course on semeiotics and internal medicine of food-producing animals responds to the need of providing the student at fourth year of their curriculum a specific training necessary to adequately address the following course of Clinic and Treatment of Food-producing animals.

Moreover, the course constitutes the link between the teaching of Veterinary Clinical Methodology, which has provided the student with the basic principles of clinical examination in all animal species, and the teaching of Clinic and Therapy. This course prepares the students to integrate the clinical findings with the knowledge of the most important diseases of medical interest that can involve the various organs


The teaching material consists of the recommended textbooks and the material made available to students on the dedicated website http://campus.cib.unibo.it.

In particular, the recommended texts are:

A.Messieri and B.Moretti. Semiology and Medical Veterinary Diagnostics. Tinarelli University Library, 1963."Internal medicine and bovine surgery" (Dirksen, Gruender, Stoeber), Le Point Veterinaire (2004)."Veterinary medicine", 10th edition (Radostits, Gay, Kenneth, Hinchliff, Constable, Saunders Ltd (2007)

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of lectures and practical.In order to allow a real participation in the exercises, the practicals will be carried out by dividing the students into four groups, to each of which the same subject will be repeated. The practicals will be aimed at acquiring, on patients belonging to the Departmental Teaching Hospital, a proper execution of the physical examination of the different apparatuses in order to acquire the semiological data that will be integrated with the knowledge of the main pathological pictures.

Assessment methods

The final exam, which consists of a written test, aims to assess the achievement of the main didactic objectives of the course: (1) to correctly interpret the semiological frameworks in course of pathology of the main apparatuses; (2) to know the etiopathogenetic, epidemiological and symptomological aspects of the main diseases of medical interest involving the various systems.

Teaching tools

Clinical animal work on patients admitted to the DIMEVET. Webpage suggested by the teaching staff.

Office hours

See the website of Arcangelo Gentile

See the website of Marilena Bolcato