Enrolling in single learning activities

All information on methods and deadlines for enrolling in single learning activities.

What are the single learning activities 

Search for the learning activity that interests you

Requirements and general information


You can register for single learning activities, if you are not enrolled in any Degree Programme at the University of Bologna, in one of the following cases:

  • you hold a “Laurea” or a “Laurea magistrale”;
  • you hold an academic qualification issued according to the previous Italian regulations;
  • you hold an academic qualification obtained abroad;
  • you are in possession of a five-year secondary school diploma;
  • you are a foreign citizen holding a diploma or enrolled in foreign universities.

You can also register for single learning activities, in one of the following cases:

  • you are enrolled in PhD programmes with a teaching and training plan, for each academic year, approved by the Academic Board, which allows enrolment in single learning activities;
  • you are enrolled in a Degree Programme and have submitted the application for admission to the final examination for the session between the 1 January and 31  March of the previous academic year;
  • you wish to enrol in a higher level Degree Programme newly established, for which the admission rules were not previously known and you need to acquire credits in specific subject areas that were not laid down in the teaching regulation of your previous Degree Programme.

Registration limits

Registration for single learning activities:

  • it is valid for an academic year;
  • it is allowed for a maximum of 30 credits (University Credits), except for lower limits established by Schools and Departments. You cannot register for single modules of an integrated course (which are covered by more than one module or course unit);
  • it is regulated by the resolutions of the Academic bodies and by the Degree Course Boards, which also establish any recognition rules in the context of the teaching plans.

In particular:

  • there are limits to the number of students eligible for single learning activities, for the Degree Programmes with restricted access;
  • special methods of access to single learning activities may be set, in relation to exceptional teaching or structural needs, also for Degree Programmes with free access;
  • if you are only in possession of a secondary school diploma obtained in Italy or abroad, you can enrol only in single learning activities of first or single cycle Degree Programmes;
  • if you are enrolled in a foreign university, you can register in second cycle level single activities, only if your enrolment at the foreign university is in a second cycle Degree Programme.

You can only register for single learning activities whose lessons have not yet been held. 

NOTE: You can enrol in individual learning activities whose lectures have already started only if:

  • access to newly introduced degree programmes of a higher level (whose admission rules were not previously known), requires the acquisition of credits in specific scientific disciplinary groups that were not mentioned in the teaching regulation of the degree programme of origin;
  • you choose individual learning activities to acquire the credits necessary to apply to teach in schools.

If you choose individual learning activities to acquire the credits necessary to apply to teach in schools.

Credit recognition

Teaching structures may limit the recognition of credits earned in single learning activities. Before registering, please be informed of the Student Administration office, where you will eventually consider recognizing the single learning activities in the future.

If you enrol in a Degree Programme and you want to apply for recognition of credits acquired from single learning activities in the previous academic years, you can do so from 25 July 2024 to 28 November 2024; once the recognition has been requested, the career related to the single learning activities will be terminated and you will not be able to acquire any further credits that may have remained.

Study grants and subsidies

For the enrolment in single learning activities, no kind of financial support is provided by ER.GO.


How to enrol

Before registering, please contact the competent Student Administration office, to take all the necessary information about the limits of access to single learning activities approved by the Degree Programme Boards.

Italian citizens, citizens of the European Union and e non-EU citizens with equivalent status

If you are an Italian student or a EU student or a non-EU student with equivalent status, you can register directly at the Student Administration Office:

  • Choose which learning activities to enrol in and contact the Student Administration office of the relevant Degree Programme via email to check that they are actually available;
  • Submit the documents listed in "Documents to be submitted". If you hold a qualification obtained abroad and have chosen single learning activities offered on the Bologna Campus, you will need to deliver the documents to the International Student Administration Office;
  • Follow the instructions from the Student Administration Office to pay your tuition fees and collect your badge (which you can use for one academic year).

Once registered you can:

  • Attend the course lectures
  • Subsequently take the exams in the sessions set by the teachers. Information on exam sessions is available on AlmaEsami.

By passing the exam you will acquire the CFU (University Credits), obtaining the related certification.

Non-EU citizens with residency abroad

Before departure

If you are a non-EU student with residency abroad, before leaving:

  • prepare the documents listed in the "Documents to be submitted" section. You may need the support of the Embassy of Italy in the country where you studied to obtain translations, confirmations of authenticity and documents concerning the value of your qualifications.
  • pre-enrol online via the Universitaly portal (step 6). Important! Pre-enrolments for the A.Y. 2024/25 are open. In the application you must indicate: 
    • “Specify the reason for the visa application I want to enrol in a study course”;
    • “Course information”: Institution: Università di Bologna, Course type: Corso/i singolo/i – Single course(s), Course name: in the text field you must list the learning activities you whish to enrol in;
    • “ID account at the chosen University / AFAM / Institute”: name.surname@studio.unibo.it.
    • You will also need to specify the Embassy / Consulate where you will apply for an entry visa to Italy.
      The pre-enrolment application will be verified by the University of Bologna and forwarded to the Embassy / Consulate you have specified.
  • obtain an entry visa for Studio - single university course units.

Important: contact the Italian Embassy well in advance to find out the required documents and deadlines for obtaining the entry visa in time.

Upon arrival in Italy

If you are a non-EU student with residency abroad, upon your arrival in Italy:

Once registered you can:

  • attend the course lectures;
  • subsequently take the exams in the sessions set by the teachers. Information on exam sessions is available on AlmaEsami.

By passing the exam you will acquire the CFU (University Credits), obtaining the related certification.

If you are a non-EU student, also remember that:

  • you cannot enrol in single learning activities for more than one academic year without obtaining a new visa
  • If, in the following academic year, you wish to enrol in a degree programme, without obtaining a new visa:
    - you must have passed at least one exam, by the deadline for calls for degree programmes with restricted access at national level, where applicable, or by the deadline to complete matriculation for the other degree programmes;
    - you will participate in the selections as a student with equivalent status to EU citizens.

Important! renewal of residence permits can be performed only through the Police Headquarters (Questure).


Documents to be submitted

Deliver to the Student Administration office:


Costs and deadlines

Without prejudice to the maximum limit of 30 credits that can be acquired in an academic year, an all-inclusive contribution of € 45.00 is due for each CFU (University Credit), plus the insurance premium of € 1.04.

The contribution paid is not refundable even if the credits are not achieved. Therefore, if you intend to replace the learning activities for which you were enrolled, you will have to submit a new application and pay the relevant contribution.

For the a.y. 2024/25, you can apply for enrolment to single learning activities from 25 July 2024 to 24 April 2025.

If you choose individual learning activities to acquire the credits necessary to apply to teach in schools, you can also enrol from 25 April 2025 to 24 July 2025.

Unibo for Refugees

If you hold a residence permit as an asylum seeker (“richiesta asilo” – asylum request), read the exemptions to enrol in single learning activities.



Student administration offices

Please contact the student administration office for all the administrative procedures.

Contacts for international students

Whom to contact for further information.