Contents of the Library

Books, periodicals, multimedia materials, dissertations, etc... owned by or accessible from the Central Section library

Books and collections

The Central Section has a heritage of over 30.000 books on study and research related to the main subjects of the Architecture, the Computer Science and the Biomedical, Elcetronic and Telecomunication Engineering Degree Programmes. The rich library collection is updated and increased by about 700 new purchases every year. The books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, mostly in open bookcases, and can all be located by searching in the University’s OPAC. To consult or borrow books or periodical with shelf mark CINE, CONS, DISEGNI, LNCS, MAGAZZINO, MAXI, apply to the Information Desk.

Morevoer, the Section helds three Collections of books and journals belonged to eminent subject experts: Oikos; Gianfranco Masi; Lotus; Dino Palloni.


Users can search for all the printed and online journals owned by the Central Section in the OPAC of the ACNP (Italian Union Catalogue of Serials). The library currently subscribes to 37 printed and/or online journals. The Attachments on the right contain a list of the online journals that can be accessed in the library. To consult journals with shelf mark ARCHIVIO apply to the Information Desk.

Multimedia materials

You can also find a small section with CDs and DVDs in the Library. This material can be either consulted in the library by using the computers provided or loaned, according to the same procedures and criteria in place for book loans.


In the library, users can access the University’s databases.

Dissertations and PhD theses

The library hosts the hard copies of a number of dissertations discussed during the Degree Programme in Architecture and the one on Biomedical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering. The catalogue contains the bibliographical references of the dissertations up until the 2008/2009 academic year. The dissertations are available as hard copies, and are not available for loan but can only be consulted in the library. You must not photocopy theses or reproduce them by any other digital device.
From the I session of academic year 2009/2010 (June 2010) onwards, dissertations are deposited in the AMS Dissertations collection, the institutional repository for Bologna University theses. Some are freely accessible, others can be consulted using your university credentials. Dissertations not freely available for consultation online can not be consulted.

The library also hosts the hard copies of a number of PhD theses, not only from the University of Bologna, on related subjects. These can be consulted in the library.

For further information on the regulations about the loan and/or the consultation of these materials, please see the Services page.


online periodicals regarding architecture [.pdf 262 KB] A selection of periodicals regarding architecture which are freely available or accessible online from workstations in the Central Section



Library manager: Francesca Papi
Office manager: Rita Patregnani
Librarians: Barbara Canali, Gianni Dall'Ara, Rita Lucia Ferraro, Fabrizia Landi, Antonella Mariani, Nadia Paolucci, Mara Zambelli

> go to the map "Nuovo Campus Universitario":


Via S. Quasimodo, 431 - 47521 Cesena (FC), ITALY

Office hours

Monday-Friday 08.30-23.30 (1st floor closes at 23.00).
Saturday and Sunday 09.00-18.00 (1st floor closes at 17.30).

+39 0547 338315