Anno Accademico 2018/2019

  • Docente: Selena Aureli
  • Crediti formativi: 6
  • SSD: SECS-P/07
  • Lingua di insegnamento: Inglese
  • Modalità didattica: Convenzionale - Lezioni in presenza
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Laurea Magistrale in Amministrazione e gestione d'impresa (cod. 8842)

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The course focuses on the basic concepts of financial accounting, which involves the preparation of financial statements. Students will be able to analyze and interpret three key financial statements ( the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement) and other financial information like ratios and key performance indicators used by managers and investors in their decision making process. In addition, students will be able to detect differences in annual reports due to national and international accounting standards to better compare company financial performance


1) Financial Accounting vs Managerial Accounting

2) Basic accounting concepts (accrual accounting)

3) Financial Statements: The Balance Sheet

4) Common Size analysis and ratios of liquidity and solvency

5) Financial Statements: The Income Statement

6) Comparative analysis, margins and profitability ratios

7) Financial Statements: The Cash Flow Statement

8) Reporting and Disclosure: IAS/IFRS (framework and some selected standards, e.g. IAS 18, 36 and 16)

9) Disclosure of Non-financial information (environmental, social and governance aspects) in light of EU Directive 2014/95/UE


Text book and additional material distributed in class (i.e. ppt slides)


Text book

Accounting : what the numbers mean, David H. Marshall, Wayne W. McManus, Daniel F. Viele - 10. ed, New York : McGraw-Hill, 2014

Selected chapters that professor Aureli will communicate on the first day of class.

Additional reading

International financial reporting and analysis, David Alexander, Anne Britton, Ann Jorissen, Martin Hoogendoorn and Carien van Mourik – 6. ed Andover: Cengage Learning, 2014


Metodi didattici

Case studies, ongoing tests and problem sheets.

When applicable, students will have the possibility to interact with company managers and visiting professors

Modalità di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento

Written examination

Strumenti a supporto della didattica

Teaching materials presented in class will be made available to the student in electronic format via the Internet. 
You can donwload educational materials at: https://iol.unibo.it
Instructions will be provided the first day of class

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Selena Aureli