Cell line of mammary carcinoma

Cell line of mammary carcinoma of mouse (TUBO)

Patent title Cell line of mammary carcinoma of mouse (TUBO)
Thematic area Health
Ownership ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, Università degli Studi di Torino
Inventors Patrizia Nanni, Pier Luigi Lollini
Protection International
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords cell line, mammary caricinoma

Cell line of mammary carcinoma of mouse (TUBO).

Rovero et al, J Immunol, 2000 Nov 1, 165 (9): 5133-42, “DNA vaccination against rat her-2/Neu p185 more effectively inhibits carcinogenesis than transplantable carcinomas in transgenic BALB/c mice”

Page published on: 10 June 2021